~Chapter 9~

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"What's your name?", I asked him softly, looking down at my hands as I fiddled nervously with my fingers.

"Oh sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.", he said still smiling at me.

" I'm Rick Jones, Beautiful." he said formally doing a cute little bow at the end.

I couldn't help but giggle at his adorable actions.

"I'm Aurora, Sir.", I said trying to copy his style as I bow at the end.

" So Aurora Sweetheart, tell me how old are you ?", he asked while he placed his hand on my lower back, he guides me to the lunchroom once again.

"I'm 17" I say smiling thinking of all the things I did this year on my Birthday.

"That's good. Hope you're in my class.", He says.

"Yes" I squeak as I unconsciously do a fist pump as I hop happily.

Mr Jones is really very sweet I really wish I should have him as a teacher so far he is my favourite teacher.

"So which school were you previously in?", He asked me after a few minutes.

"I didn't go to any school, I was homeschooled. My mom use to teach me.", I say sadly as I realised how much I miss my mommy right now.

I really don't know how I spent so many hours without Momma. If anyone had told me before I had to stay away from mom to go to school I would never come to school.

I can't wait until I can go home and spend time with my momma baking or watching her favourite movie.

"What's your favourite candy?", he asks quickly changing the topic as he realised my change in my mood.

My eyes light up as I heard the word candy and I immediately forgot about all my previous sad thoughts.

"Strawberry lollipop, Strawberry lollipop.", I squeal in joy as I couldn't help but smile in joy.

I look up at Mr Jones only to see him smiling at me.

"Do you like Strawberry lollipop?", I ask curiously as I wait for his answer.

He hums a yes in response as I see two cute little birds on the grills of the hallway.

I giggle at how cute those two birds look.

Wishing I could take one bird home but momma will never allow it.

I huff angrily as I remember the last time I asked my momma to get a puppy home but instead she brought a stuff puppy for me.

"So Innocent", I think I heard him say, or I guess I'm just hearing things.

"Do you have a boyfriend, sweetheart", he asks me all of a sudden.

I look at him with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

What's the meaning of Boyfriend?

Does it mean a boy who is my friend.

My eyes widened in happiness as I realised that I found the answer to my own question.

I smile brightly at how smart I am as I mentally make a note to add this new word in my vocabulary book.

Lucas is my friend and Dami is kind of my friend so it counts right?

"Yes I have 2 boyfriends", I say proudly.

But Mr grumpy Bunny and Mr Bear at home are my friends too so...

"No I have 1..2.. 3.. 4.. I count on my fingers, 4 boyfriends. I have Four Boyfriends", I add quickly as I show him my four fingers.

I look up only to see his clenched jaw as if he is very angry.

Did I do something wrong?

Maybe, I did something wrong.

I mutter a small sorry not wanting to make him any more angry at me.

I try to distract myself from my bad thoughts by fiddling with the loose threads on my dress as I feel tears fill my eyes again.

I'm such a crybaby no one will want to be my friend.

I even made Mr Jones angry at me...He will now not want to be my friend anymore.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

I couldn't help but giggle when I look up and see Dimples coming our way still trying to study or learn something from the huge book he is holding not bothered about anything around him.

A big evil smile made its way on my face as I come up with a evil plan

Getting out from Mr Jones grip quickly I run towards Dimples who shrieks in surprise as I jump on him scaring him completely.

We both fall down, I toppled with laughter while he narrows his eyes glaring in my direction.

"You need to stop doing that, one day you'll surely break my head.", Dimples said angrily.

Aww! he looks so cute when he is angry.

"But You like me, Luci", I teased him as I stick my tongue out to him.

" Right I do and don't call me that" he said as he pick me up and set me on my feet.

" What not to call you, LuCi?", I say trying to hold my giggles which I might as add terribly failed at it.

"I'm starting to think why I like you", He softly mutters as he begins to start picking up his books which were fallen on the floor.

I turn back to wave a goodbye to Mr Jones only see him more angry than before.

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