~Chapter 26~

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"Momma, you promised me that we would go to the playground today. I'm sitting here ready from morning, it's almost evening now.....are we still going?"

"Sweetie, I'm busy. Why don't you just go in your room and play?"

"But momma, that's boring! I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE!!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me, Go to your room immediately or no food for you!"



Ahh, my head....why is it hurting so bad?

My body....so hot....I feel like it's burning.


Ughh I hate that constant beeping sound!

"Don't worry she is all fine now, we are giving her glucose now to stabilize her blood sugar levels. She still has a bit fever but no need to worry about that, it should be gone within a few hours. Also She'll be up anytime now, so be ready and try not to give her too much stress."

"Okay Doc, Thank you so much for helping."

Who are these people? And who are they talking about?

"No problem kiddo, I'll be back in an hour to check on her. Just make sure she eats regularly, she is way too underweight. Take care of her, okay?"

"Yes doctor"

Uhgg! Why is it so hard to open my eyes!

*Beep* *Door opening*

"How is she?", I hear a very concerned voice.

"She is fine, now leave", someone familiar replied bit irritated?

"But I want to be there when she wakes up" The previous voice replied, but this time I finally recognised it ......It was my Dimples.

What is Dimples doing here?

"Lucas?", I try speaking but it hardly came out as a soft mummer.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what, if you're done lying please leave. I'm not in the mood of joking around now."

"I'm not lying Carter...I think I just heard her call my name!"

Dami is here too?

"Ofcourse you did, it's always you, right!?"

Finally succeeding in opening my heavy eyelids, I noticed two blurring figures staring at each other.... honestly more like glaring at each other.

Squinting my eyes as I try to focus on the two blurry figures, I noticed the odd smell of disinfectants which sounded me.

Where am I? And what are these wires attached to my hands?

The last thing I remember was that I was at school and.......................Why can't I remember anything what happened in school!?

A bit panicked, I try to remove those flimsy wires attached to my arms, I hate those things. They just reminded me of bad memories...

Why am I here! I want to go home.

"Hey Sunshine relax....please calm down and don't do that, you'll just hurt yourself.", I heard Dami say as he took hold of my hand, stopping my previous actions.

"Princess, it's okay. You are alright, we are right here with you.", Dimples said smiling a bit, but I could clearly see the sadness in his eyes.

"I-I am s-s-sorry.", I softly muttered but was quickly embarrassed on how hoarse and cracked my voice sounded.

I just wanted the Earth to instantly swallow me up. Not exaggerating, I honestly sounded like a crow, squeaking her eye out. No offence to crows though.

"Here, have some water", Dami said handing me a glass of water.

Thanks Dami, for making it more obvious by this!!(╥﹏╥)

Actually Thanking him but this time kindly before I quickly drank it....I finally take the time to look at my surrounding.

I was in a hospital, I know, I'm dumb not to realise sooner but that's not the point because the point is...

"What happened, why am I here....in the hospital?", I asked them confused.

"You fainted in school, Carter brought you to the hospital. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner", Lucas said sadly.

"It's okay,I'm glad you're here", I said taking his hands in mine reassuringly.

"I'm glad too", he replied finally smiling happily as he gave my hand a firm shake.

Before I  know it, Lucas and I are laughing like crazy at his funny stories that we completely forgot about everything around us. We just fall into this imaginary world of us, where everything is perfect......Just like any other ordinary day.

Personally, I can't imagine a day without him, my Bestfriend. Thinking about it now.... that was, is and always will be one of my best decisions in life. It all felt like it my life was finally falling into place, just perfec—


The loud bang brought us out of our imaginary world and into reality, looking around I noticed Dami was missing.

Was that Dami? but......Why did he leave?

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I really Hope you'll like this Chapter.

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Once again thank you so much, you really just made my day!!.

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