~Chapter 2~

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"Boo" I heard his deep voice right behind me and I felt my heart skip a beat

Placing my hand on my heart and held it as I feel my cheeks burning up all over again.

What happened to, "this was suppose to be the easy part line??"

All I have encountered till now has just been a nightmare but the main problem is why do I turn into a tomato every time he is around me.

What is happening to me? Was I really having a heart attack right now? Why is my heart beating so fast?

It's just my first day of school! I don't even know where was the nurse's office, so I can get self-checked if there is an emergency.

Also, I haven't even finished eating my lollipop yet. I can't die so early. I knew school was a bad idea! What will happen if I die now? I don't even have any frien.......

"Hey... heyyy relax sunshine. I-I am sorry, hey just breathe okay?" His deep voice brought me out of my scary thoughts.

"Can-n I-I help you?" I asked tilting my head up only to notice how beautiful his eyes look up close.

I never thought someone could have so beautiful eyes, but his eyes were as though it was part of the sky.

It was truly mesmerizing! I almost got lost in this eyes, that I forgot where was I...

"What are you doing in the hallway during class?" He asked me looking at me from my head to my toe.

" I-I was s-searching for my class, I'm n-new here" I replied only to stutter again like a dumb rat.

Why do I have to be so dumb??

"Okay, I'll help you. Show me your schedule"

My eyes widened at his words, really... I can't believe, why was he being so kind to me even though we never met previously.

Honestly, thinking about it now. I should have never tried hiding from him, he is such a kind person.

Plus he has the secret name of my new future favorite candy, Hehe.

I quickly remove my schedule from my bag and gave it to blue eyes.

"You know your class is right beside the school office. You shouldn't be roaming in the hallway during class. Bunking lectures is not a good habit, come I'll leave you to your class.", he said and started walking towards the direction of the class I guess.

"YoU ShOulDn't bE rOaMing In tHe hAllwaY DuRing clasS" I mocked him softly while I followed him.

Look who is even telling me that, the person who was bunking his lecture!

Stupid kind blue eye boy!

I guess I wasn't soft as I thought I was cause the next thing he does is glares at me and continues walking faster.

I huff and ran behind him just to keep up with him.

"M-My name is Aurora. What i-is your name?",I asked awkwardly trying to break the deafening silence.

When I said tried I really meant tried cause in return I surely didn't get any answer.

He is more stubborn than my stuff bunny!!

"W-What is y-your fav-vorite color?", I try again but No reply

"Do you w-want me to guess your f-favorite color?", Still no reply.

"Do you want to k-know my f-favorite color??", Nothing.

"My favorite color is strawberry pink if you wanted to know.", I said smiling happily at him hopefully but he still didn't reply, so I took it as a sign to continue.

"Okay if you don't want to talk about color we can talk about something else", I said and from the corner of my eyes I saw him shaking his head.

Yes! Finally I got some sort of reaction from him. I even started doing my happy dance mentally.

But little did I know I was actually doing it. "hehe", I giggled softly.

A few minutes after running and walking but mostly running behind him he came to an halt and faced me.

"We reached " he said is a monotone.

But even though he was like a huge grumpy giant, I don't know why I didn't want him to leave so soon.

"You didn't tell me your name" I said, trying to avoid going to class.

"It's Damien, Sunshine."

"Damieen? Wait that's too long, can I call you Dami instead please? You can call me Ari if you want" I asked hopefully.

"Okay" yupp that's all he said, no "sure, no problem Ari" he just said "okay"

Is this guy even human, why is he not even smiling?

I guess he doesn't want to talk to me or I'm just annoying him...it's better if I just leave instead of troubling him.

"Okay, T-Thank you, Dami" I said with a sad smile.

I didn't want him to go yet.

I didn't want to leave him.

I wish he didn't leave me alone and go even though he was acting grumpy.

I felt a tear run down my face. I sniff a little before I look at him for the last time and turn towards the class.

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My dear readers, Thank you so much for giving my book a chance I really appreciate it. I hope you all like my book so far.

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