Jinyoung: Harder

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He didn't mean to kiss Youngjae and he didn't mean to kiss Jackson either. Well, that second one isn't really true, he was sober when he made that decision, but he didn't think that would happen. He didn't expect to confess he had done it at all, and then for Jackson to offer up his own kiss...

Jinyoung lets out an audible groan, interrupting his professor, and gathering the attention of every student in his class.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Park, is there something you don't understand? Or is the material that boring for you?"

His classmates snicker, probably just glad that they aren't in his position.

"No, I'm sorry Professor, I realized I left my textbook at home, it was an inappropriate reaction, I'm sorry for interrupting." He tries to appear as humble as possible, thankful that he left his textbook in his bag today to avoid crowding his desk. His professor smiles, not necessarily kindly.

"Then if there are no further interruptions?" He continues the lecture without waiting for a reply. Not all of his professors are like this, some would probably pretend he didn't groan at all, and keep lecturing, but this guy has a stick up his ass.

Of course the scolding was probably appropriate, at least it took his thoughts off of Jackson and Youngjae.

It wouldn't be so troubling if he had just kissed Youngjae, and just wanted to kiss Youngjae, but the truth is he wanted to kiss both of them and he had been equally excited by each. He's still equally excited by each. They're both such different people though, and they're both very different from Jaebeom, which may be the most confusing thing for him.

If they were similar at least, he could write it off as a type he has, but the things he likes about each of them are different. He adores the calm and responsible energy Youngjae has, his cute smile and the way laughter bubbles out of him, as if he's surprised by it himself.

And Jackson...is well, Jackson. Anybody with eyes would be attracted to him instantly, he's kind of like Mark in that way, but Jackson is immediately friendly and immediately energetic. Of course Jinyoung has always liked that about him, even when he's annoyed, he likes Jackson.

He likes his other sides too, how genuine he is, and dedicated. He can talk for hours about the things he loves, and has. Jinyoung probably couldn't normally sit through that, if he had time to do it, but he remembers sitting with Jackson in their room while Jackson went off about the muscle groups in the leg something he had learned that week and he sat wrapped up in the whole thing. He doesn't remember any of it, but he had listened to it.

He should've started paying attention to the lesson once his professor scolded him, but naturally he stayed wrapped up in his thoughts and he isn't brought out of them until Shownu taps him on the shoulder. Everyone is packing up and getting ready to leave, and Shownu already has his bag thrown over his shoulder, looking at Jinyoung with barely concealed concern.

It's unusual for him to be distracted, so Jinyoung understands the look and he hopes the mild shake of his head, and the speed at which he manages to pack up his belongings convinces him that he's fine.

"I thought he was going to decapitate you" Shownu says, throwing an arm around his shoulder as they leave the classroom together. Jinyoung rolls his eyes, but he has to agree. "What were you groaning about anyways?"

Of course Shownu could guess that he hadn't really left his book at home. Him and Shownu usually keep their conversations strictly locked on school, but maybe he could ask him.... Since there's no one else he can talk to about this, except maybe Wonpil, but he doesn't work with him again until Friday.

"Is it—" He stops, looking away so he doesn't have to see Shownu's expression, already feeling ridiculous. "Do you think it's normal for a person to like two people at the same time?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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