Yugyeom: You have me

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"You don't have to bother Jaebeom with that, if you need someone to sleep with, you can sleep with me"

Yugyeom honestly can't believe what he's hearing, or who its coming from. If he wasn't already red from the embarrassment of having BamBam confront him about him falling asleep on the couch in Jaebeom's lap, he sure is red now.

"Jaebeom—Jaebeom-hyung, whatever," BamBam rolls his eyes like the honorifics are just too taxing to remember. "is really busy and he's old, he needs to sleep on a mattress, we share a room, so seriously, just crawl into my bed"

It doesn't seem so much like an offer anymore as it does a demand, or a command or whatever. But BamBam is offering and Yugyeom can't find it in his gay self to refuse.

"I get nightmares kind of often so—"

"So sleep in my bed often" BamBam says it like its obvious. Like Yugyeom is telling him his arm hurts when he bends it a certain way and BamBam is telling him not to bend it like that. Yugyeom nods, flushing deeper when BamBam just smiles at him.

Its true that Yugyeom slept better than he has in forever when he was curled on Jaebeom's lap and he imagines it would be the same if he crawled in next to BamBam, no matter how much like a kid that makes him feel.

They should be going to sleep now, but BamBam leaves the room, just in his boxers and tank top, not that Yugyeom is complaining. It gives him a second to breathe, before BamBam comes back with two glasses of water, passing one to Yugyeom.

"Well, good night" BamBam turns off the lights, so that its only the lamp lighting the room. Yugyeom drinks some of the water as he watches BamBam climb into bed. BamBam only glances at him briefly, smiling a little at him before turning over.

He swears he didn't want to get into BamBam's bed, he didn't. His nightmares do happen often, more often than he would otherwise admit. He lays in bed, tears on his cheeks, for several minutes debating if BamBam was being serious. Deciding that he would rather chance being embarrassed than falling into another nightmare riddled sleep he slides silently out of bed.

In the darkness, he can just barely see BamBam up against the other side of the bed and he peels the covers back, trying not to wake him. He thinks he manages it to, even as the bed dips under his weight, but as he lays down and pulls the blankets back over himself, BamBam jerks awake, rolling over.


"Shush, shush, go back to sleep" And then BamBam is scooting back and up against his chest, reaching for his arm and pulling it around him. Yugyeom holds his breath as BamBam settles down, breathing out a deep sigh against him. It takes him a second longer to relax, still unsure if any of this is really okay.

But eventually, as BamBam's breathing is evening out, he finds himself relaxing, lulled to sleep by the steady rhythm of BamBam's back rising and falling against him.

He's woken up by BamBam getting out of bed, and he sits up, abruptly, another apology on his lips before BamBam shushes him again.

"Its still early, go back to sleep"

Yugyeom glances at the clock: 4:30am "You always wake up this early?"

"Everyday" BamBam sighs the word out.

"Whens your first class?"


"Then why—"

"I have to get ready, get to school, and study some, I usually try to read the chapters before class" BamBam shrugs, he hasn't moved away from the bed yet. "I've done it since my first year of high school, its not that bad"

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