Yugyeom: Family Meeting

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Yugyeom crosses and then uncrosses his legs, fidgeting again even though BamBam snapped at him only a few seconds ago for it. He can't help it, he's freaking out.

Last night Jaebeom announced that they needed to have a family meeting. Well, he didn't call it a family meeting, he had called it a household meeting, but that sounds stiff and unsuited to their close relationships so Yugyeom is calling it a family meeting.

Normally today is their cleaning say, as the only day everyone has all, or at least part of, off. Today though they're using it for this. It all feels unnatural an nerve racking. BamBam is fixing his hair in the mirror, not because it's messy but because he's nervous too, Yugyeom can tell. Everyone has been on edge this week, even the two of them because it's apparent that their hyungs are ignoring each other.

"Might as well go now, it won't go away" BamBam sighs, finally turning to face him. His hair looks exactly the same as when he started fussing with it.

Yugyeom nods, holding his hand out for BamBam to take so they can walk down together. BamBam snorts, but ultimately takes his hand and squeezes it tightly. He might feel better about it if this was a usual occurrence, but he knows it isn't, knew it from everyone's reactions when he told them all they had to talk, together, today.

Their hyungs are already down there, Jinyoung and Mark on the couch of the living room, while Jackson, Jaebeom and Youngjae are sat around the table. Chaeyoung is probably still asleep. Mark and Jinyoung must have been watching for them, because when they downstairs, the two of them stand and come into the kitchen. Everyone is keeping their distance though.

Yugyeom can feel the tension in the air, even if they aren't talking about it. Jaebeom and Mark don't seem like they've spoken at all since their fight, and that was last week. Similarly, Jinyoung hasn't spoken to Jaebeom either and it's made everything difficult. Everyone wants to comfort Youngjae, but they want to ignore Jaebeom more, so it's left them at a standstill.

It's a tense few minutes while they all just stand there wondering what this is about and how to start it. Yugyeom is sure someone--probably Youngjae--is about to announce that they're moving. There's just no way they've been living in their room peacefully since Youngjae brought over all of Chaeyoung's stuff. There was just so much of it.

Jaebeom pours himself a cup of coffee, heaving a heavy sigh as he does it. "This is so awkward.."

"Do you feel awkward? I'm excited, it's like a real family!" Jackson smiles big and his dopey grin diffuses some of the tense atmosphere.

Youngjae bites his lip around a smile, looking up at Jackson with admiration. Yugyeom can't help but mirror it. He barely slept last night from how nervous he was for this talk. He can tell everyone else struggled as well, at least one of them is excited for it.

"So," Jaebeom begins, licking his lips as he looks around at their faces. "we agree that a house—this house—is better for child raising."

It seems an odd place to start, and all at once Yugyeom is unsure where this might be going. He can tell everybody else is too, the way they shift. Of course they all agree with his statement, none of them want Youngjae to move out, but why bring it up like this, he must know they all agree.

"And it would be better for Youngjae to have his own room, so we talked about it..." Jaebeom pauses, licking his lip as he glances between each of them. "and I'm moving out instead"

"No!" Jackson yells, standing up so fast he knocks his chair over as Jinyoung shakes his head frantically. Even Youngjae looks surprised, but that could be by the reaction. They talked about it didn't they? "You can't move—"

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