Chapter 1: Beginning of the End

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You're nine-years-old, sleeping in bed. Your mom shakes you a little. You groan.

Mom: Time to get up.

She stands up from your bed and walks out, closing the door behind her.

You get out of bed and you walk over to the dresser. You pull out the drawers and you pick out your clothes.

After getting dressed, you head downstairs to see your brother, Jack, eating cereal at the table. He's fifteen. You sit down across from him as your mom sets down your bowl of cereal.

You start eating.

[Time Skip]

You walk into your third-grade classroom and you sit at your desk. You look at your name tag on the desk and you doodle on it.

The teacher walks up to the front of the class and starts talking, but you don't listen.

[Time Skip]

You're walking home from school. You make it to your gate and you open it. You walk in and you close the gate behind you. You walk up the front steps and you open the door.

You hang your backpack up and you take your shoes off. Your mom walks up.

Mom: Hey, hon. How was your day?

You: It was okay. You say, walking past her.

You walk into the living room and you plop down onto the couch. Your mom walks in.

Mom: And what did you learn?

You shrug your shoulders. She crosses her arms.

Mom: So you didn't pay attention?

You: I don't know. The teacher doesn't actually TEACH. He just asks impossible questions and gets mad when we don't know the answers.

You're pretty good at lying.

Your mom rubs he eyelids with her thumb and pointer finger.

You pick up the remote and you turn on the TV.

Show host: Tonight, we have a special guest: the one and only--

You change the channel.

Person being interviewed: --ecause I really feel that most of my fans have this--

You change the channel.

News Anchorman: --virus spreads, causing unknow--

You change the channel.

Disco Broccoli is talking to a few kids.

Disco Broccoli: Word on the street is that you kids wanna EAT ME!

The kids laugh.

Disco Broccoli: Is it true? Do you guys wanna eat me?

Mom: Wait, can you change that back?

You look back at your mom.

You: Now?

Mom: Yes, now.

You sigh. You change the channel back to the news.

News Anchorman: It doesn't seem like the virus really does anything that affect any type of body system, but it's still being investigated by the CDC. We'll keep you all posted until it clears out.

Your brother walks in.

Jack: What's goin' on?

Mom: Nothing; don't worry.

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