Chapter 4: Only Nightmares

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You're sitting inside the bus, on a mattress where you and Mia sleep. You're reading a book. Mia's taking watch. It seems like she's been doing it more often for some reason.

Yours and Mia's clothes are hanging on a wire that's connected to a shelf and a nail in the ceiling. The floors are dirty and have a bunch of junk on it. Your weapons are stored on racks. There's a table against a wall that has a giant map of Pennsylvania. Most of the map is covered in red and blue pins; red meaning the dead or alive took it, and blue meaning you've scavenged everything.

You twirl your bookmark around in between your fingers. You get to the end of the page and you flip to continue reading the sentence, but the page is missing.

You: Sonuva...

You sigh.

You: Right as it was gettin' good.

You look at the previous page number.

You: Seventy-three. Got it. You say, putting in the bookmark and standing up.

You put the book on a shelf and you walk towards the front. You walk out and you walk over to the ladder. You climb up to see Mia sitting in a chair. She looks back at you.

Mia: Hey.

You walk up to her.

You: Hey. I'm missing a page out of my book. You see it anywhere?

Mia: Nope.

You: Damn.

Mia: I'll let you know if I see it.

You: Thanks. You say, turning around.

You start walking.

Mia: Yep. She says, looking forward.

You stop walking. You turn back around.

You: Isn't it my watch today?

Mia: Uh, I don't think so. She says, looking back at you. What does it say on the calendar?

You: It said you have it.

Mia: Well, there you go.

You: But today's Tuesday.

Mia: Okay?

You: And I could've sworn you had Tuesday last week.

Mia: Um... Okay?

You: So why'd you change the calendar?

Mia: Y/N, I really don't know what you're talking about. She says, looking away and crossing her arms.

You: Hey... You say as you start walking up to her.

You get on one knee next to her.

You: Mia... What's goin' on?

Mia: ...It's nothing. You should just go back in the bus.

You: No, don't do that. Don't try and get me to forget it. I wanna help.

Mia sighs.

Mia: ...I had a nightmare the night before you left. These guys came and...took you... I went looking for you and when I found you...

She looks at you.

Mia: you were a biter... I woke up, and I saw you next to me, and I didn't think anything of it... Then you left and didn't come back... I changed the schedule because I don't want anything bad happening to you. She say, looking down.

You: ...Hey.

She looks at you. You smile.

You: ...I'm not goin' anywhere.

I Need You, a Clementine x Male Reader Story *rewrite*Where stories live. Discover now