Chapter 5: Humane Enough

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Your mom's inside the bus with the woman. She's attending to the girl. You and Jack are sitting in lawn chairs outside. You haven't said anything to each other yet.

You're staring at a crow picking parts off of a dead biter.

Jack: We shouldn't be doing this.

You look at Jack.

You: Hm?

Jack: We shouldn't be wasting our supplies like this. We should've just snuck up on them, and taken them out before they knew what hit 'em.

You: We're not monsters.

Jack: Right, we're survivors.

You look back to make sure the woman isn't there. You look back at Jack and you lean in closer.

You whisper: So you're saying we have to kill these people to survive?

Jack whisper: If that's what it takes, then yeah. We should kill them. We wait until they're asleep, and we slit their throats.

You whisper: What the hell is wrong with you?

Jack whisper: It's not about being nice. It's about taking what you deserve.

You whisper: So we DESERVE what these people have?

Jack whisper: We deserve to survive.

You whisper: And THEY don't?

Jack whisper: Look, why the hell are you fighting me on this? You know what has to be done, mom does too--you know what has to happen.

You whisper: Jack, listen to me...we are NOT doing this. We will not sink to this level. If you so much as touch a hair on these people who don't deserve it, I'll kill you myself.

Jack whisper: You wanna be soft? Fine. But I ain't gonna let go of our chance of supplies for the trip. You really think you can take me? You really think you'll be able to just kill me and move on?

You whisper: You're a fucking bandit; I've killed bandits before, and I did not lose a wink of sleep over it.

Jack whisper: Just like back at that farmhouse?

You whisper: ...That was different.

Jack whisper: It was a bandit, you had the gun to his head, and you made me do it so that he wouldn't take our stuff...

You whisper: He was begging, Jack. He didn't want what happened.

Jack whisper: That guy wouldn't've given you a glass of water if you were dyin' of thirst.

Jack leans in closer in his chair.

Jack whisper: The only reason why you didn't kill him was because you're a pussy...

You glare at him.

Mom: Boys.

You look behind you to see your mom.

You: Uh, hey, mom. How's the girl?

Mom: She's fine. She fell asleep. Patricia too. What's going on?

Jack: Just discussing the plan.

You look back at your brother.

You: Jack thinks we're gonna kill them while they're sleeping.

Mom: He's right to think that way.

You look back at your mom.

You: ...What?

You stand up and you step closer to her.

Mom: Tonight, I'm gonna talk with Patricia. I'm gonna pretend to get something. Then I'm gonna kill her.

You: Mom...?

Mom: It's how it's gotta be. We take their stuff after it's done.

You can't believe what you're hearing. You look at the bus.

You: And the girl...?

You look back at your mom.

You: Are you gonna kill her too?

Mom: No, Y/N. I'm not that cruel...

You look down.

Mom: That's why you're gonna have to do it.

You look back at your mom. She looks so calm about the situation, like it's something that MUST be done.

Mom: I gotta take a piss. She says, walking towards the direction of the woods.

You're left standing there in shock.


You and Mia are looking at the message inside the bus. The message is on the table. Mia's looking at the message with her hands leaning against the table, while you're pacing back and forth.

You: This was the shit I was talking about, Mia. The longer we stay here, the more of the danger we're in.

Mia: We can hold them off. We've got guns.

You scoff.

You: We got guns, huh? Mia, we have three guns and my fucking bow! What sorta protection will that do for us?!

Mia: We've dealt with things like this before.

You: Not like this. They went into the damn bus and ripped out a page from my book while we were gone! Hell, they could've done it when we were asleep!

Mia looks down at the table and sighs. You walk up to her. You start talking in a more calm tone.

You: Look, I know what the bus means to you, but it's useless without gas and a battery. I looked all over the state, there's not a single drop of gas anywhere. We're running out of food and water, and if we stay here any longer, we will die...

You put your hand on her shoulder. She looks at you.

You: Please...I'm doing this to keep you safe.

Mia: ...Where would you suppose we go?

You: Virginia.

Mia scoffs.

You: Look, I know you don't think it's possible, but there are signs telling me to find this place. Three communities, Mia. Each of them have walls, food, water, medicine, electricity, hot water; all the things that will keep us safe.

Mia: ...What happens if you're wrong? What do we do if these places are burnt down like everything else?

You: They won't be.

Mia: How could you possibly know that?

You: Because I NEED them not to be.

Mia looks down.

You: ...Can you at least think about it? If not for me, then for yourself?

Mia thinks for a few seconds. She looks at you and nods.

You: Okay... Thank you.

She nods again.

You: C'mere. You say, pulling her into a hug.

She hugs back. You both stand there in each other's embrace for a little while.

I Need You, a Clementine x Male Reader Story *rewrite*Where stories live. Discover now