Chapter 2: The Wanderers

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You stand up as you put on your backpack. You pick up your bow and you wrap it around your shoulder. You look over the edge of the delivery truck to see the biters.

You: Not really much of a choice, is there?

You take out your hatchet and you look back at the biters.

You sigh.

You: This is a bad idea.

You prepare to jump over them; if not, then into them. Just as you're about to jump, you see a biter get shot in the head.


You look to your right to see someone shooting from behind a car. The walkers look at the person shooting. Most of them start focusing on them, so they begin to walk away.

A girl yells to you.

???: Jump!

You jump onto the ground, over the few biters that were left. You do a roll fall once you land. You stand up, you turn, and you kill a biter with your hatchet.

You kick another biter away as you pull out your hatchet.

???: Get to the blue house around the corner! Go!

You push a few biters out of the way as you run. You make it around the corner and a biter grabs you from the other side of a fence. You chop it's arm off with your hatchet and you keep running.

You make it to the blue house and you run inside. Just as you're about to close the door, a biter sticks its arm through and tries to reach for you.

You open the door a little bit, letting its head through, and you slam the door against its head, squashing its head.

You push the biter corpse out of the way and you close the door shut. You see the girl at the top of the stairs. She wears a riot helmet.

???: Come on!

You run upstairs. You run past a bookshelf and over to the closet and you open it, revealing an AR-16. You grab it and you run over to the railing next to the girl.

The biters start banging on the door. You can hear their dozens of loud moans and groans from outside. You both aim at the door.

You: Get ready...

The door gets busted down! Biters start filling in. You and the girl start shooting at them. They start falling, but a few start getting to the stairs.

You: Bookshelf!

You and the girl run over to the bookshelf and you both push it down the stairs, killing the biters that tried to walk up.

You: Just a few left!

You both run back over to the railing. You continue to shoot the remaining biters until there were none left. You chuckle in relief.

You look at the girl.

You: You took your time. You say as she takes off her helmet.

It's Mia.

Mia: THAT'S how you thank me for saving your ass?

You step closer to her with a smirk.

You: Well, you almost didn't.

She smiles.

Mia: Almost.

You both kiss. After a few seconds of this, you pull back.

You: But seriously. Thank you.

Mia: 'Course. She says as you both start walking over to the stairs. When you didn't come back to camp last night, I thought I should've gone looking.

You both start walking downstairs.

Mia: Did you manage to find anything?

You: Just a few cans.

Mia: Any water?

You: Not much. You say as you both make it to the bottom of the stairs. Pennsylvania's getting drier and drier the more we stay here.

Mia: I don't wanna talk about this again. She says as she starts searching the biters.

You: Mia, I know how you feel about this subject. But if we don't get out soon, we'll either starve or die of thirst. That's to say if the biters haven't killed us already.

Mia: We always figure out.

You crouch down next to her.

You: And what happens when we don't?

Mia looks at you.

Mia: I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

She stands up and walks out of the house. You scoff as you look down. You follow her outside.

You: Did you leave anything inside?

Mia: Nope.

You: Good. 'Cause I don't wanna come back here again.

You both continue walking down the street.

[Time Skip]

You both make it back to camp. The camp is in the middle of the woods, but it has a rundown bus where you and Mia sleep.

Mia hasn't said anything the whole way. She sets down her backpack on the table and walks over to the bus.

You: Mia, can we talk?

Mia: No.

You: What are you, mad at me?

Mia: I'm not mad.

You: Right, and you still don't wanna talk.

Mia: Bingo.

She starts to climb the ladder on the bus.

You: Wait, you want me to take watch?

Mia: Nah, I got it. She says, making it on top of the bus.

You: You sure?

She turns around, gets on one knee, and looks down at you.

You: I'll bet you haven't in a few days?

Mia: I think I can manage for a few hours. You should try to catch something. A rabbit or two wouldn't hurt.

You: Sure thing...

You turn around and you start walking.

You say underneath your breath: boss...

Mia: I heard that.

You: I know.

Mia smirks and shakes her head. She stands up and takes her rifle off her back.

A/N: I know it's a short chapter, but I sorta got writer's block.

I Need You, a Clementine x Male Reader Story *rewrite*Where stories live. Discover now