Chapter Sixty-Five

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"Hey, Julia!"

Julia stopped walking when she heard her name, turning around to see Tim Harrer rushing up to her in the parking lot before practice. As much as she wanted to hate the boy who was causing her friends so much misery, she knew it wasn't really his fault. She shouldn't be mean to him. She was sure he was having enough trouble fitting in as it was. Still, she couldn't help the disdain she felt for the boy causing her friends so much misery.

"Don't call me Julia. It's Julie or Jules," she told him, barely waiting for him to catch up to her before she started walking toward the building.

"Jules? What about Julsie?" Tim asked with a laugh. Julia stopped with her hand on the door, turning to look at him seriously. So much for not being mean to Tim.

"I wouldn't use that name unless you're looking for a fight. OC is the only one who calls me Julsie. My ex-boyfriend called me that once, and Jack punched him in the face," Julia informed him, before pushing open the door and walking through the door, not stopping to see if Tim had made it through the door behind her. She also didn't bother to include the full story about Jack punching David, but she didn't think it was all that necessary. "So it's Julie or Jules."

"Right. Julie. Well, anyway, my friends are having a party this weekend. If you want to come," Tim offered, sounding slightly nervous. Julia stopped walking, turning to face him.

"Are the boys going?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I hadn't invited them," Tim said, before seeing the look she gave him at those words. "Yet."

Julia scoffed a little bit at his added word, before cocking her head to the side, a look of contemplation on her face.

"I guess if Robbie goes, I will. But probably only if Jack goes, too. And Jack won't go without Silky, Rizzo, and Jimmy. But Silky likes when Koho is there. And Koho will really only go if Brots and Pav go. But Pav won't go without the other coneheads. And Bah won't go unless Janny and Baker go, but Baker doesn't go anywhere without Verchota. You can't go to a party without Coxy. Plus Coxy likes when Christoff and Wells are there. Strobel, Morrow, and Suter are hard to get out, but Rammer and Magic can usually convince them. But Magic likes it when I'm there," Julia rattled off. Tim nodded, looking a little overwhelmed.

"I'll be sure to invite everyone then," Tim assured her. Julia gave him her ever-charming smile, saying nothing as she turned and walked away from him.

Julia tried not to get discouraged as she watched the boys practice, but they weren't looking very good out there. It was no secret that Herb was favoring Tim, and it was really starting to get to the boys. Julia groaned as Herb yelled at Rizzo, wishing she could slip out and leave.

After all the boys have done for you, you can't bail on them.

This thought only brought up another thing weighing on Julia's mind. She still hadn't told anyone about the decision she and Jim had made. She had told Jim that she would go back to Los Angeles after spending Christmas in D.C. How she was going to leave the boys for good right before Christmas, she had no idea. The more she thought about it, the less she wanted to go to her mom's for Christmas. Of course, when she thought of Shelly and Russell, the more she wanted to go. She pushed all the other thoughts from her mind, trying to focus on the boys playing hockey. The boys seemed more than a little dismayed when Herb finally ended practice, and Julia sighed as she watched them head toward the locker room.

Inside the locker room, things were tense. There was small chatter as they started the process of getting back into their street clothes. Tim was nervous when he finally spoke up.

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