Chapter Eighty-Seven

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*If last chapter didn't make it clear, this chapter includes mature content.*

The boys had left Doc's house before too late, arriving back at their dorm with high spirits. Magic was the first one in, and he walked over to the phone, which was mid-ring when he opened the door.

"Santa?" Mark asked in a joking tone, making some of the boys who had followed him inside laugh. Suddenly his face turned serious. He looked to his teammates, still filing in happily.

"Rob, phone's for you. Sounds pretty urgent," Mark called as soon as Robbie came in with Jack. A few of the guys looked at Mark curiously. Robbie just stared at him, unmoving for a moment. "I think it's Julie's band."

Robbie snapped out of his frozen state and rushed over, grabbing the phone. Jack was right behind him, his lips pressed into a thin line.

"Hello?" Robbie asked quickly, his heart thumping in his chest.

"She is so goddamn lucky you finally answered because I was about to give up and call Herb," Jim said gravely on the other end of the line. Robbie frowned, leaning his head on the wall.

"What's going on?"

"I'm not even sure. She called us a few minutes ago and said she was in a hotel in Minneapolis. She said her mom had left and she wasn't going to D.C. so she needed Michael to get her a flight out of Minneapolis to come back here," Jim explained in one breath.

"She didn't leave with her mom?" Robbie repeated as his eyebrows furrowed. Jack, Rizzo, Magic, and Jimmy stood around, waiting impatiently to hear what was going on.

"No, she didn't. And she sounded...not good. Not sober anyway," Jim sighed. Robbie groaned, finally grasping the severity of the situation.

"So she's drunk at a hotel trying to get out of the state?" Robbie clarified. The rest of the boys looked at each other, the worry clear on all of their faces. Jack's heart raced as he watched Robbie listen to whatever Jim said before assuring him they'd go check on her and call him back. Robbie hung up the phone and looked at the boys. "I'm going on a little adventure if anyone wants to join me."

"What the hell is going on?" Jack asked quickly.

"She didn't leave. She's still at the hotel. Jim doesn't know what happened, but she called them to ask Michael to get her a flight out of Minneapolis tonight," Robbie explained. Rizzo grabbed his keys from the table, where he had put them down only a few minutes ago.

"Just tell me where we're going," Rizzo said to Robbie. Rizzo turned to walk out the door, closely followed by Jack and Robbie. Jimmy and Magic looked at each other for a moment before following them out as well.

Julia fiddled with the radio in the room, ignoring all the Christmas music until she found a blues station. After getting sick, she had sat on the bathroom floor, trying to desperately rack her brain for what she had just snorted. It certainly wasn't angel dust. Besides her dry mouth, she felt good. Her mind was sort of hazy, but it was a euphoric sort of high. The best she could guess, it must have been smack. It would explain why she had thrown up.

She now sort of lazily danced around the room. Wanting to be comfortable, she had changed out of her dress and now wore her underwear and Jack's BU sweatshirt, which came down to the middle of her thighs. Finding the sweatshirt in her suitcase had been a challenge, and the result was a mess of clothes strewn about the room. A few pillows had been knocked off the bed, but Julia didn't recall how.

Having finished the available whiskey, she poured a mini bottle of vodka into one of the glasses on the bar, sipping the clear liquid neat. She turned up the radio, before a pounding on the wall made her turn it back down. Rolling her eyes, she ventured back into the bathroom, seeing the two remaining lines on the sink counter. After a brief deliberation, she bent over and inhaled another one of the lines. It nearly made her sick again, before she took several deep breaths. She stumbled back into the main room, falling onto one of the beds as the drug hit her quickly.

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