Chapter Forty-Seven

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Jack wasn't lying when he said they weren't far from his house. It was only a couple blocks before they stopped in front of an old house. The red paint was faded even in the dim light of streetlamps.

"This is it," Jack announced, gesturing to the house. It was everything Julia had expected. An old colonial style house, set snuggly between the neighbors' houses. "You wanna go in?"

"It's late. I don't wanna wake up your family," Julia reminded him. She really didn't have any idea what time it was, but she knew it had to be after midnight.

"We'll go in the back door," Jack reasoned, guiding her through the small space between the houses, and around to the back door.

"You just love sneaking me into places," Julia said quietly. Jack bent down, moving a rock beside the door to reveal a key.

"It's not sneaking if it's my house," he rolled his eyes. He unlocked the door, taking extra care to open it quietly. He pulled Julia inside, and the first thing she noticed was how nice the warm air felt against her cold cheeks.

Across town, the boys were still settled at their table at the bar.

"Do you think Jack and Jules are gonna come back?" Mark asked with a grin. It was the first anyone had brought up Jack and Julia since they made their escape, but the same thought had been on everyone's mind.

"I'm not gonna wait up for them," Silky smirked, wagging his eyebrows suggestively.

"Don't say it like that, Silky!" Robbie insisted with a glare.

"I'm sure it's not like that," Jimmy spoke up, trying to calm Robbie.

"I don't mind OC, and we all know they're nuts for each other, but that is one thing I do not want to think about," Robbie groaned.

"Look, it's obvious they like each other, I don't think OC would try to do that," Rizzo interjected, taking a sip of his beer. "However, I doubt they'll be joining us here. I'm sure they'll meet us back at the hotel."

"He better keep an eye on her," Robbie huffed, glowering down at his beer on the table.

"Jack won't let anything happen to her. That's one thing we don't have to worry about," Buzzy spoke up.

"You look like you're freezing. I'm sorry," Jack apologized quietly as they entered his bedroom, closing the door quietly. He flipped on the light, watching as Julia surveyed the room.

"I'm okay," she promised, not looking at him. She was too busy looking around his room, taking it all in. He had a ton of hockey stuff, of course, while other Boston sports memorabilia was spread throughout the room. The bookshelf in the corner was overflowing with books. An Aerosmith poster hung on his closet door. By the foot of his bed sat a box that was filled with a mix of records and cassettes.

"Your cheeks and nose are all red," Jack said, bringing her back into focus.

"Yeah, I guess I'm a little cold," she admitted with a shrug.

"We'll just stay here till you warm up," Jack decided, going to sit on his bed. Julia followed, sitting beside him. She noticed a framed photo of his family on his bedside table.

"Did you get along with Annie and Joe growing up?" She asked, her eyes fixed on the picture.

"Sometimes. Annie didn't really like growing up here, and she was kind of a moody teen, but we got along for the most part. Joe and I have always been pretty close," he said, taking her hand in his. "Your hands are cold, too."

"You've been dragging me around Boston all night. What did you expect?" Julia asked with a quiet laugh. "Thank you for tonight, Jack. It's been fun."

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