Chapter Seventy-Three

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"...and that was Stonehead. You're listening to KTWN, Minneapolis's rock radio. For all you Stonehead fans out there wondering what's been up with them, according to the band's manager, Michael Jenson, the band will be back together in L.A. by the first of the year to finish up their new album."

Jack had been lying in bed listening to music, but he froze when he heard that. Once he got over his initial shock, he rushed out of his room to find the person who would know the truth. He went to Robbie's room, knocking quickly.

"Yeah, come in," Robbie called. Jack opened the door to Robbie's immaculately clean room, seeing Robbie sitting at his desk reading a book.

"She's leaving. Did you know she's leaving?" Jack asked instantly, wasting no time on pleasantries. Robbie looked up from his book, completely baffled.

"What did you say?"

"Julia is leaving," Jack said slowly. He watched as Robbie's face went pale, but his expression remained the same.

"How do you know?" Robbie asked.

"I heard on the radio just now. Is it true? I know you know, Mac," Jack said. He didn't mean to come off as accusatory as he did, but he was bouncing between confusion and anger. Robbie sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, it's true. She told me the other night after the game," Robbie finally admitted. He hated to throw her under the bus, but he couldn't help but think that this could've been avoided if she hadn't kept it from everyone. Before Jack could say anything, Rizzo burst into Robbie's room without so much as a knock.

"Have you guys seen this?" Rizzo asked, holding up a copy of National Enquirer. Jack and Robbie both looked at the cover, unsurprised to see a picture of Julia plastered with headlines.

"Where has Julie Brooks been? Enquirer has all the answers!"

"They know everything," Rizzo told them nervously. "The article talks about her problems with cocaine and her coming to Minnesota to stay with family. It says she's dating a hockey player. They also claim they know when she's going back to Los Angeles."

"They do. Everyone does," Jack said bitterly. "I just heard it on the radio, and Mac confirmed it. They said she'll be back in California by the start of the new year."

Rizzo and Robbie shared concerned looks as Jack took the tabloid from Rizzo and flipped through it to find the article.

"Dating a hockey player from Boston," Jack read with a humorless chuckle. "I guess we don't have to figure out a way to tell Herb then."

"Maybe he'll think it's Silky," Rizzo joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. Jack laughed once, before going back to skimming the article.

"They know Tommy is in rehab and Steven's girlfriend had a baby. I just don't know who knows all of this and would've gone running to a tabloid," Jack wondered aloud. "The radio said that their information came from the band's manager, but this article just says 'a source close to the band.' Do you think he told everyone?"

"No," Robbie shook his head. "I would believe it about him saying she was going back to California, but he would've warned her if he was going to release something like that. And he'd never jump at the chance to ruin her bad-girl image with a boyfriend. If she's seen this then she's freaking out. I wonder if Herb's seen it."

Julia sat in her room, mindlessly going through another pile of clothes and cursing her retail therapy addiction. Patti knocked on the door, not waiting for Julia to answer before she entered her room. Julia looked up in surprise to see her aunt's worrisome face.

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