Chapter Thirty-Three

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Julia didn't tell anyone about the night in her hotel room with Jack, not even Robbie. As far as she knew, Silky was the only one who even knew Jack was in her room. She didn't breathe a word about how she was sure he was going to kiss her, and how she was going to let him. She tried not to think about the way her heart raced when he held her face. As far as Julia was concerned, it was a secret that she would take to the grave. Besides, Jack was drunk. He probably didn't mean it when he said Jenny didn't have a thing on her. He probably would've regretted kissing her had Silky not interrupted. Julia had tossed and turned in bed after Jack had left, wondering what it would've been like to kiss him.

But Julia was certain she would never know. She had managed to convince herself it was all a drunken mistake on Jack's part, especially once she saw the way he pretended it never happened. They barely spoke on the way back to Minnesota, although the few times they did were short and civil. Jack was mortified at how vulnerable he had been the night before, especially when he overheard her and Robbie talking about her date with David that night.

They got back to Minneapolis early the next morning, and much to Julie's dismay, Patti informed her that her mom and siblings would be flying in that same afternoon. It was with minimal fighting that Julie got into the car with Patti to head to the airport later that afternoon to pick them up.

"They could've taken a cab from the airport like everyone else," Julie sighed.

"I'm just trying to make your brother and sister feel welcome. I feel bad about having to squeeze them in the house, but I didn't want them to have to get a hotel," Patti frowned.

"Do you want me to run away to stay with the boys?" Julie groaned.

"Oh, hush, it's only for a weekend. Speaking of the boys, how are things with Jack?" Patti questioned, glancing over to her niece. Julie crossed her arms, frowning.

"Stupid. He's stupid. I'm stupid," she mumbled.

"Does this have something to do with David?" Patti asked.

"I don't even want to talk about it," Julie insisted, staring out the window.

"Alright, well, just know you can always come to me."

"Thanks, Aunt Patti," Julie smiled. She really did appreciate her aunt, probably much more than she let on. It was pretty quiet the rest of the ride to the airport. Once they were inside and waiting, Julie tapped her foot nervously.

"Just think about doing this for your brother and sister, not Sylvia," Patti told her quietly. Julie nodded, trying to control her breathing. Just the mere thought of spending time with Sylvia nearly put her into panic mode, but she was trying her best to hold it together. They only waited a few minutes until they saw her mother and siblings turn a corner and walk toward them. As soon as Shelly spotted Julia, she broke into a huge smile.

"Julia!" She squealed, running on chubby little legs toward her sister. Julie had to admit it made her happy to see Shelly again, and she crouched down to hug her when she was close enough.

"Hi, Shelly."

"I missed you!" Shelly told her, holding her tightly around the neck.

"Yeah, I missed you, too," Julie said, smiling a genuine smile at the love she was getting from her little sister. By the time Shelly finally let go of her, Sylvia and Russell had made it to them.

"Hi, Julia. Hi, Patti. It's nice to see you again," Sylvia smiled politely at Patti, who returned the gesture.

"You too, Sylvia. I'm glad you all could make it."

After making introductions between Patti and the kids, the five of them headed to the car. Kelly and Danny were excited to have other kids to play with, and didn't mind sharing their rooms. Julia, however, had been bribed into letting Sylvia stay in her room with the promise that she could still go out with David that night. She would only be sleeping on the couch for a couple of nights anyway. Julia sat in the backseat with Russell and Shelly, the latter of whom clung to her arm happily.

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