Meet Him!!!

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I wake again by a weird dream or vision I don't know, it's scary, I'm afraid about my future on the Earth, they things is kind of difficult now!!! I don't want to get up from my bed, I don't want to face the world out there!!! But I have to, for my sister, for my friends

Today we try to find a way to bring back my sister boyfriend Nick from Hell, yeah you read well from Hell he trapped there and he has inside him our father, (our father his Lucifer the king of Hell) my sister and Nick been together almost one year and her ex-boyfriend are with our best friend Rozzie, I think is better like that but I don't like Nick, I still hate him, I have my reason, and Theo another of our best friend (it was a girl and her name was Susie but she changes it to Theo, I like more Theo) have a boyfriend an elf, a hobgoblin something like that his name is Robert, my sister is half-witch and half-human and I'm half-wizard and half-dragon yeah we are not the same, we are more powerful when we are together!!! We have two familiars my sister have a cat his names is Salem and I have an owl (actually he have more than one change, he changed with different animals, what I need at that time) his name is Reggie the protect us and not only us but everyone is around us and care about us and we protect them

I get up from my bed and get ready (I put black outfit) for another day, I get downstairs I only find my sister and Ambrose our cousin
-Me: good morning
-Ambrose: good morning cousin
-Sabrina: Good morning
-Me: where are aunts?
-Ambrose: aunt Zelda is in Academy
-Sabrina: and aunt Hilda is at the shop
-Ambrose: here your breakfast
-Me: thank you
I start to eat my breakfast and then the bell ring at the door, Ambrose get up and go see who is at the door, I already know it, it was our four best friends and I don't eat my food, I only have few bites I have a lot of visions
-Ambrose: your friends are here

We both get up and get at the door
-Me: next time don't come so quickly
-Theo: we happy to see you too
-Me: don't be mad, I just don't eat all of my food, I'm happy to see you guys
We hug each other and we get to the library at the Academy to find a way to bring Nick back, we find a spell but we need a "door" to get into hell and we know one wizard that he knows how we get there
-Roze: we find the "key" to get at the Hell
-Theo: now we need the "door"
I and Sabrina look at each other
-Me and Sabrina: Dorian

We get out of the Academy it was a bar and we see Dorian the one who is helping us a lot of time, with something we get back, let's see what he want today, for giving us a "door" to Hell
-Me: Dorian, my old friend
-Dorian: what did you want kiddo?
-Me: what? I can get here and see my old friend?
-Dorian: you call me like that and you look at me like that only if you want something
-Me: You know me so well
-Dorian: tell me what do you want
-Me: you have a painting with Hell right?
-Dorian: of course, don't tell me you go there
-Sabrina: yeah we go there
-Dorian: very well
He starts to move to his paintings so we follow him
-Me: what do you want for changes?
-Dorian: there they have a flower I need it, is the more dangerous and you have been careful when you touch it because with the wrong move you be in deep sleep and you die
-Theo: nice
-Dorian: if you don't have it, you can't come back
-Harly: so it's our ticket for the return home
-Dorian: exactly
-Sabrina: let's go
-Me: and stay close to each other

We get in front of the painting and we see once again the hell doors, it was a month ago when I open them for Lilith and Nick and then close it and here I'm again to open them again this time is a painting but I feel the same, I have a lot of nightmares because of that door
-Harve: are you ready?
-Me: not really, but I have to do it, for you Sabrina, for Nick
I don't like him, but I don't like to suffer because of our father
-Sabrina: thank you
I get in front and I put my hands up
-Me: Sigils vicissim, sigils apertas. Sigils vicissim, sigils apertas. Sigils vicissim, sigils apertas.
And we touch the painting and he moves we get inside and we wake up on a beach, we cough, we get up
-Me: everyone is okay?
-All: Yes
-Harve: this is hell?
-Rozzie: I have thought it was more -
-Me: creepy?
-Sabrina: we find out soon

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