Old Gods?

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After I left from Hell I get to Academy, in the bar that Dorian has
-Dorian: Oh, welcome, where is your sister?
-Me: I don't care where she is, give me a brink
-Dorian: oh you fight with your sister
-Me: something like that, you can give me a brink now?
-Dorian: what she did do to you?
-Me: is none of business
He turns around and he was ready to put me on the brink, I feel bad, that I speak like that to him he has to help me a lot of times
-Me: She...slap me
He turns and he looks at me
-Dorian: Really, why?
-Me: It was about a challenge and I can't help her, because if I help her, they gonna cut her and she gonna lose, so someone take me away from there and then she was angry, that she lost the first challenge and she slaps me because I left her
-Dorian: But she lost if you help, she understands what she has done and she says sorry
-Me: she was ready to say it but I left because I feel betray and sad, so I left, and I come here, I don't want to go back home, at least not yet
-Dorian: it's okay, you are welcome here, every time, they have beds up so you can sleep after that
-Me: thanks, I have a walk and then maybe I come here I turn back home

I start to drink a lot of drinks, I get drunk, and I put my head at the bar then I get up and I left, I hear Dorian call me but I don't answer him, I walk outside and I felt a little cold out here then someone came in front of me, I look and I see...Caliban
-Me: oh...Hi
I said with a smile
-Caliban: I look everywhere for you
-Me: why? No one care about me
-Caliban: I care
-Me: that's what my sister says and she slaps me
-Caliban: you are drunk?
-Me: Maybe, a little bit
I was smile
-Caliban: come with me
-Me: I want to walk
I take a step and I was ready to feel but he catches me
-Caliban: let's go
-Me: I'm fine
Then I throw up, on my left side, Caliban was on the right side
-Caliban: You are not okay
He holds me, then I fade away

The next day, I wake up, and my head killing me, I felt the warmth by my side, wait why it is warmth? I open my eyes and I see...Caliban I freak out, I try to get up, but he put his hand on me, I freeze, If I use magic he gonna wake up, if I move he wakes up, so I stay like that for a little bit then I move again, this time he holds me harder
-Caliban: where are you think you going?
-Me: Uhmm...to the bathroom? Can you let me?
-Caliban: fine, but then come back
-Me: I get up and I get to the bathroom, I lock the door, I take a shower, what the heck happend? Why he is here? What I have done? What does he do to me? When I did get out, I took my outfit to the bathroom and I fat out from the bathroom, he was up now and he has fixed the beds sets and he looks at me, I seat at the other side and I was nervous
-Caliban: just said!!
-Me: what happens yesterday?
He laughs
-Caliban: nothing good at least, I just take you back here, first I think to take you down in Hell but then your people will freak out, so I take you here and they ask me to sleep at the night, at first I was going to say no but then when I put you at the bed you hold my hand and tell me don't leave me, like the others, so I stay
I was so embarrassed, damn it
He laughs again
-Me: I have to go
-Caliban: if you want anything, just call my name

I said and I get up before he said anything, then I get down to Hell, Lilith want me to training me, then Sabrina to come with Ambrose
-Sabrina: Sulivan? What are you doing here?
-Lilith: he helps me like you have to do, I job training him

The said about the coven and Lilith said that was Lucifer presents not Hells and Sabrina
-Sabrina: so if Lucifer has it, then I have it as my father have
-Lilith: is affected by your mortal's mothers blood, so he don't have anything to use for your coven
-Ambrose: but Sulivan can, right?
I look at Ambrose and then at Lilith
-Lilith: Yes he can, he is half-wizard and half-dragon
-Sabrina: then come with us
-Lilith: wait, Sulivan, have blood demon but you have to find an angel blood because he is a demon and dragon

Aunt find out that, me and Sabrina we are King and Queen, she was angry, she still is angry

Then they left, Sabrina found the angel that Dorian has a trap, but then Sabrina find Nick do erotic things with demons so she left Dorian alone, so Dorian drink the blood and he left only one bottle very small, so they go to the forest and sing for doing the ceremony and my aunt Hilda have a plain with the moon, I get there too, to help them, I have the blood of the demon, we sing then they put our flower at the head and give as rabbit, we have a white outfit and then, me and Sabrina and I, we sing and then all together, then we left, me and Sabrina we continue our way, still singing and we let down the rabbit and we stop singing, we felt someone and we see a lot of people with a creepy mask on
-Me: Run!! Now!!!
-Sabrina: Sulivan?
-Me: Continue, run!!!
We run and then they others look at us
-Ambrose: what happend, cousin
-Me: that happend
And we look at the forest
-Ambrose: what is that?
-Prudence: who are they?
-Me: I think I know who are they, from the park

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