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The next day I leave Hell when Caliban was left me alone for 10 minutes, I think, I only want to see my family, I know they are not my real family, but they raise me for 16 years, I want to see them
-Ambrose: Cousin?
-Me: Hi Ambrose
He hugs me
-Ambrose: how are you feeling?
-Me: weird, I'm living in hell, so it's not so nice, but I think I can use to
-Ambrose: let's go with the others
They hug me and we sit and eat aunt Helda make my favorite food
-Zelda: so how your parent left you to come here?
-Helda: that's right, they don't want you to come up here not alone at least last time, you are with that young boy
-Ambrose: Caliban
I look at them and then I put my head down
-Ambrose: you run away?
-Me: I just come to see you, it's boring down there
-Helda: sweetheart they get worried
-Me: I just want to spend time with you, I miss that moment 
-Zelda: You know that will get angry right?
-Me: I know, just for the night, and then I get back
-Zelda: you know we want you here, but you know your parents don't want to get here but now let's pretend to go to bed after we play our old game and Sulivan
Me, Sabrina, and Ambrose: Yeah!!!! Let's go!!!
I look at her
-Zelda: you always be our baby
-Me: and you always be my family aunt Z
She smiles and my aunt Helda

We get up and we play, we laugh, it's was awesome! Then we are ready to get in bed but then someone knocks on our door, my aunt get the door, I look and I see our teacher and first was thinking was Lilith but I can see her true face she show me, it was terrified at first but then I get used to then he said about witches and something about Adam and she take out a gun and she was ready to shot my aunt then I push her and I get shot in my rib
She runs away, the teacher
-Zelda: Sulivan!!!
She runs to me, after a few seconds Ambrose, Sabrina, and aunt Helda come to as
-Sabrina: what happend?
-Zelda: your teacher come here and she said something about, witchers and then she was ready to shot me and then she gets out a gun and Sulivan push me and she shot him and then she runs away
-Ambrose: we have to call them
-Me: no, no, they don't let me come up here again, please don't tell them
-Helda: my boy, you need them, you need the Hell power to get well
-Me: then I get down there and I said that the old golds shot me because I tried to stop them they have guns
-Sabrina: but the love you, the old gods, we have said they true
-Me: they keep me in Hell, and they not gonna let me come up here
-Ambrose: You lost a lot of blood, call them
I was ready to say something
-Zelda: I know you want to stay here and not call them or lie to them, but we can say that human shot you, the truth, and we see how they react, we can't lose you, I don't let this happen
-Me: They gonna burn this town if we told him that human shot me
-Helda: my sweet boy you have to call them

I look at them, I take a deep breath, and then  I close for second eyes and then I said "Lillith, Lucifer, Caliban, I need you" and even a second later they come
-Lucifer: how dare-
He was ready to yell at me but he sees the blood
-Me: I'm in trouble, right?
He was in shock
-Caliban: what did you do to him?
-Lilith: they are not them, someone else comes here right?
-Zelda: a human shot him
Lilith get to her knees and touch my face and smile at me
-Me: Ambrose take out the bullet and he stops the blood
-Lilith: thank you, Ambrose
-Ambrose: I can't lose my cousin, I love him, we all love him
She put her hand on me and then the wound disappear
I get up
-Lucifer: we talk at home, let's go
-Me: can I stay here, for the night?
-Lucifer: NO YOU CANT!!!
And he looks at me with red, black eyes
-Lucifer: And you never come back here never again!!!
His eyes turn normal again and he looks at me
-Me: no, I will come again
-Lucifer: what?
-Me: They raise me for 16 years, where are you? Both of you? My aunts and my cousin, see my first walk, they hear my first cry, laugh, they see my first day at school, they are by my side for 16 years, they were with me all the time, they have seen my bad side and my good side, how about you, huh, what did have to see from me?
-Lucifer: I'm your father and she is your mother you come with us NOW!!!!
-Zelda: Go with your parents
-Me: I just want to spend the night here
-Lilith: let's go home for now, and we see the next time, okay?
-Me: whatever
And I hug everyone and we left

We get downstairs and I get in my room, without saying anything to others
The next day I wake up by my Lillith
-Lilith: we have a job to do, get up and you have eaten something
They give me normal food, I'm can't eat the food down here not yet at least
I get up and get to the room with others waiting for me, we say good morning
-Lucifer: for now on, Caliban will be every day and every minute with you
-Me: okay
-Lucifer: just okay?
-Me: even if I said no, he followed me everywhere
-Lucifer: right and in few days you will marry him
I choked with my water
-Me: what? But I said that I think about it!!!
-Lucifer: no, I will let think about it but you run away from here and you put your life in danger so you don't have that choice anymore
-Me: it's my life to decide what I do, not yours
-Lucifer: You-
-Lilith: let him decide, he has two days
-Lucifer: fine, you have two days and no more
-Me: can I go up?
-Lucifer: we said something last night
-Me: mom said that I can see them
Lilith look at me
-Me: what?
-Lilith: you said, mom?
-Me: yes, you are my mom right?
-Lilith: Yeah, I am but I don't expect to hear it so soon
-Me: can I?
-Lucifer: why you want so much to get up there?
-Me: I miss them, I never spend the night away from home
-Lucifer: This is your home
-Me: my home was for 16 years up there, where are you, when I need you, you never be by my side like you don't want me
-Lucifer: what are talking about? Of course, we want you
-Me: then why you don't say that I'm your sons when I'm up there blame myself for everything? I'm that bad that no one wants me? I hate that everyone looks at me like I'm a monster, I hate when they said things about me as they know me, I hate it all!!!
I get up
-Lilith: where are you going?
-Me: I'm just going up, for a while and think a few things, I come and you have your answer, just give me two days relax and then I live here just two days
And with that, I left, Caliban come with me
-Me: you don't tell me, what happens between my sister and you?
-Caliban: nothing! What did you expect to happen
-Me: So you don't fight anymore with my sister for the throne?
-Caliban: We are going to marry, so I don't need to fight with Sabrina anymore
-Me: Yeah, right! Everything is so complicate
We walk and we get to the Academy and we don't find anyone, then we hear the noise, I grab Caliban hand and make us invisible and we see blackwood, I never like this guy, he is now with the "old gods" he is against us, I see some dolls that look exactly like my aunts, I just leave for one day, and the destroy everything, I see Agatha with blood everywhere and Dorcas dead, damn it!!! Before I left from Academy I take the dolls away and we left, I get to hell
-Sabrina: Sulivan? What are you doing here?
-Me: I live here, you forget it? The question is what are doing here?
-Sabrina: yeah right you live here, I'm here because I need help
-Me: I find this
And I show her the dolls
-Sabrina: oh thank you, I forget them
-Ambrose: cousin? Why are two holding hands?
I look and I see that I still hold Caliban hand, he smiles at me
-Me: I make us invisible to blackwood
-Sabrina: it's still up there
-Me: yes and not alone, what happens, I just left for one day
-Sabrina: long story, we need power for our aunts. I explain to you later
-Prudence: I need to find my sisters
-Me: yeah, better not!
-Ambrose: why?
I look at them with sad eyes
-Prudence: what happens to them?
-Me: Agatha she...
-Prudence: what?
-Me: she gets crazy or something like that and she... kills.....Dorcas...I'm sorry Prudence she dead
-Prudence: no! No!! I'm going to kill blackwood he is his fault
-Me: I'm happy to help you all, with whatever you need
-Sabrina: we going to need your help
-Lucifer: after he did his work here
-Prudence: what work you have here?
-Me: long story, we don't have time for that
-Lilith: Sulivan is our....son
Everyone (except Sabrina, Ambrose, and Caliban) it was shocking
-Prudence: really?
-Me: yeah, it's true, now let's get a plan to get over with that thing on earth and get back our people, including Agatha, maybe she killed Dorcas but blackwood use her and get her crazy and make her kill her sister, so now we have to stop him, once for all
Prudence smile at me and I smile back
-Lucifer: you can help them after you agree with us
-Me: with what?
-Lucifer: after you save earth you gonna marry Caliban and be King of Hell
-Me: *Sigh* Fine, I'm going marry him, now help me to kill these bastards

What will happen next? They kill blackwood and stop the "old gods"? Sullivan is going to marry Caliban? Sullivan, he gonna save everyone? We, Will, Find Out!!!

You can't save everyone!!!!

                       LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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