Souls To Hell

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The next day I get ready for high school, I have to go, and act like everything is "normal" so I and Sabrina get to school, today Sabrina have practice with the cheerleaders, I was watching them and I fell as someone watches me I look back and I see...Lilith when Sabrina end, Lilith get to Sabrina I follow her
-Lilith: Hi, Sabrina
-Sabrina: Hi ms. Wardwell
-Me: guess again
-Sabrina: Madam Satan
-Lilith: I have some things to talk about with your Highness and our King, but I don't want to do it here, in this...sweet place

I and Sabrina follow her, we get to the forest
-Sabrina: if you come here to take Nick back then I will not give to you
-Lilith: no, no I don't come for Nick, I'm here for job training you
-Me: job training?
-Lilith: Yeah
And she gets out a book
-Me: Is that, a soul book?
-Lilith: yes and you two you have to drag two souls back to the hell
-Sabrina: we have to drag souls? No, I'm not taking anyone there in that place
-Me: They sell the souls, we don't take them without want, they make a deal, right?
-Lilith: your brother is smarter at this
-Me: who we have taken in hell?
-Lilith: so you take the souls by hands and here is the place and the date
-Sabrina: Robert Robison, what that person does?
-Lilith: It's doesn't matter, you have to select don't be friends with them
-Sabrina: so let's go

My sister and I get to the place that was an old man, my sister play with him, he did only one move and then the game stop, he sold his soul for a be the best player in the world and then he lost it, I was watching them
-Robert: you are twins?
-Sabrina: Yes, we are
We get him by hands and I was ready to put him in the black car but then Sabrina stop he take him and put him in the white car and the car left
-Me: are you out of your bloody mind? What are you have done? They are waiting for that!!! You gonna be in trouble

Sabrina was ready to speak but then Lilith come and take us down in Hell everyone starts to blame Sabrina and Lilith try to stop them
Everyone stop talking
-Me: Let my sister speak
-Caliban: I want the morningstar to speak by herself
-Sabrina: I just give him mercy
-Demon: mercy? Mercy!!! What a shame!!!
And he gets close to my sister, I get in front of them
-Me: you get close enough
And he turns away
-Demon: let Sullivan and Caliban select the next soul, the proof worthy
-Caliban: I enjoy this, desk
And he starts to come close to me
-Caliban: if my prince let me
And he touches my hand, I look at him confused
-Lilith: he doesn't
And she takes me behind her back
-Lilith: Rome don't burn in one day, it's one more soul, and if I'm not mistaken his name is Jimin Plat
I look, Sabrina, she was looking at me
-Lilith: he gonna make it, didn't you Sullivan
-Sabrina: did you said, Jimin Platt?
-Me: I can do it!

I left with Sabrina and we get back to high school, we get to the practice room and they are here, good we need them
-Harve: so after school you guys select souls?
-Me: yeah, but more crazy is the next person is on the list
-Sabrina: Is...Jimin Platt
-Theo: what?
-Harve: the ice cream guy?
-Me: Yeah
-Rozz: the one who is always with a smile and gives children ice cream and makes them happy?
-Sabrina: exactly, so we take his body when Sullivan has done with him
-Theo: we? You don't do it?
-Sabrina: no, I made a mistake, and the tell Sullivan do it, it's better this way, we can take his body easier and put the dark lord inside him
We get out and we see the ice cream car come outside of our school
-Me: so here it's going, I hope to make it!!

I get out of the car and get close to the ice cream car I look around and I see the "bodyguard" that Lilith give me
-Jimin: Oh Hi, what did you like to have?
-Me: Jimin, mister Platt, I'm here to collect you
He looks at his watch
-Jimin: Let's see, you are not the guy I make the deal
-Me: no, I'm new
-Jimin: then, I do an upgrade at the contact, with changing a pure life
-Me: a what?
-Jimin: in a little bit, I'm going to do so you can wait here and I'm going to take the little girl's heart here!!
-Me: you offer me, a child?
-Jimin: Yeah, it's the best!!!
-Me: I'm here with back up, so you come with the good way or bad way
-Jimin: you better stay back, both of you, because the little girl, is trapped and I only know where she is, so if you want her alive better back off
I leave I was so angry!!! I get inside of the car
-Theo: what happend?
-Me: this bastard, keep somewhere in Greendale a child, he offers her to me for upgrade the contact
-Harve: we have to find her
-Me: we will and when we find her, I'm gonna personally take him and burn him!!!
-Sabrina: let's find her
-Me: first I have to talk to "Dad"

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