Amusement Park?

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I wake up the next day and my sister comes into my room and I get ready for the day, (we have to take Lucifer out of Nick)
-Sabrina: good morning my beautiful brother
-Me: what do you want Brina?
-Sabrina: what I can't say my brother beautiful?
-Me: you call me like that in the morning only if you want something for me or you want me to come with you what's is?
-Sabrina: we gonna go to the amusement park later you want to come?
-Me: Brina, you have, Nick, Rozz has Harve, and Theo have Robin so it's better not to come, I don't have anyone, I can give you my motorcycle if you want, you know for you and Nick
-Sabrina: no it's okay if you change your mind come
-Me: okay
We get down for breakfast and they talk about Nick and how the spent the night my sister and then Nick come
-Nick: Good morning everyone
-All: God morning Nick
-Hilda: come and have sit, darning I have let you breakfast
-Nick: thank you, Miss Spellman but I'm not hungry, guys we go?
-Sabrina: Yes let's go
And she pulls me with her, and I didn't do with my food

We get out
-Me: why you take me with you?
-Nick: why you don't like our company?
-Me: it's not that, you have to get time with each other, you are a couple, I don't like to be in couples, so I take my motorcycle
-Sabrina: Are you sure?
-Me: Yes
-Sabrina: so we spent time together, and we go to the amusement park after that
-Lilith: Fun, but is not meant to be
We turn around and we see Lilith
-Nick: Lilith?
-Lilith: Mister scratch, did you miss me?
-Nick: if you want to take me back, I'm not coming better to die
He said with an angry and worried tone
-Lilith: no, I'm not here for you, I'm here for the twins
-Nick: why? What business do you have with Sabrina and Sullivan
He said and he looks at us, with a worried face, Sabrina didn't answer
-Sulivan: It's a big story, but for taking you out from hell, we have to claim the throne
-Nick: so you both do, what Lucifer asks, so you are Queen and King of Hell
-Sabrina: technical yes, but we have as regent Lilith so she can handle things
-Lilith: Yeah, it's true but Sullivan, says that he wants new ways and rules about Hell, so everyone now waiting for that
-Sullivan: It was Sabrina idea, not mine
-Lilith: you have both come with me now

Sabrina look at me
-Me: I have to go alone, right?
-Sabrina: please...
-Me: this Caliban is very weird if you come too, he don't have all attention on me
-Sabrina: Can you go for me?
I take a deep breath and I Sigh
-Me: Fine...if I have problems I connect with you
-Sabrina: you remember the rest plain?
-Me: Yeah, Let's go, Lilith

We get down in Hell and we see there the other Kings and the make so much noise, I don't like noise
-Lilith: Order!!!Must be Order
-Beelzebub: order? we are the kings of no disorder
And they laugh, they start to get my nerves, and they continue to make noise
-Me: ENOUGH!!!
And the look at me
Me: You ask to come here and I come so let me speak and stop talking or leave, I make myself clear?
And no one speaks
-Me: Great, for a start I want to know every soul in hell what the do, until then I want to freeze every deal you make with the mortals
-Asmodeus: and what we gonna do with the ones who have the deal we have already done? We have to collect them
-Me: Fine, then we collect that soul, and then we freeze them, is that more enough?
-Asmodeus: Yes, it's more clear now
Then my sister comes I get up and let her seat
-Sabrina: and I want every connects to have a look and I make the decision for each of them?
-Beelzebub: with all respect, did your brother have the time or you, with the cheerleaders and high school stuff?
And they laugh
-Lilith: Silents, let they Queen and King speak
-Caliban: we heard enough

We look and we see Caliban come and he holds something, tch this guy again, we're so happy that they see him, most of them
-Caliban: I, Caliban demon prince of Hell, challenging the throne from Morningstars twins
My sister gets up, I wade my eyes the others cheering for him
-Caliban: look at this scroll, I get 666 signatures from the highest in Hell for support in my challenges and it must be accepted
Sabrina look at Lilith
-Sabrina: is that true?
-Lilith: technical yes
-Caliban: or you can leave it to me the throne
-Sabrina: oh don't even
-Caliban: I challenge you with the Unholy Regalia
Everyone starts cheering...oh no that is the most dangerous things and powerful
-Lilith: they are the most three created in the world the most powerful in history and the have been lost
-Caliban: they legend said who even find them and collect them he won the throne do you accept my challenge, Sabrina?
Sabrina? Why only Sabrina?
-Sabrina: Yes I accept it!!!
He was ready to leave
-Me: wait, why only my sister, you don't find me worthy, to "fight" you?
-Caliban: I plana better plan for you. Oh and you can't help your sister
-Me: Why?
-Caliban: because I challenge her not you, she can have anyone else help but not yours, or else she loses, even if she wins
He smiles at me and he left and after a while they others left too

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