Turn To Stone?

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I wake up and I look around, I was in Hell, I was thinking that is a bad dream but it's not, I'm not Sabrina brother, she is not my twin, I'm only Morningstar and I don't know how I feel about it, I find some clothes and I put them

I open the door and I get out of the room
-Lucifer: oh, son you are awake
-Me: Yeah, good morning
-Lilith: come sit with us
I sit at the seat, then one messenger come "we need you" I get up from my seat
-Lucifer: where are think are you going?
-Me: Uhmm...for a walk
-Lilith: then Caliban come with you
-Me: it's not necessary
-Lucifer: we don't ask you, we command you
-Me: can I ask something?
-Lilith: of course
-Me: what will happen about the challenge with Sabrina and Caliban?
-Lucifer: we stop it for a while
-Me: oh why?
-Lilith: we have some other things to do and Lucifer is back, so he can now decide until then
-Me: Okay, so I gonna go
-Lucifer: Caliban
Then Caliban comes
-Caliban: you call me?
-Lucifer: Our son wants to go for a walk so we want to go with him
-Caliban: of course
He smiles at me, we get up to earth, we hear Sabrina and the others, talk about how they turn Rozz back to human because the people of the park, one woman do that, Medusa
-Theo: hey, Sulivan, you come finally, we miss you
-Harve: where have you been
-Me: long story, I told you, when we get Rozz back
We hug each other
-Harve: why he is here?
-Caliban: I come to protect my Sulivan
I look at him
-Me: you, what?
He smiles at me
-Caliban: You hear me, I can say again, My Sulivan
I was ready to answer him
-Harve: we have to do something, to turn her back
-Caliban: I know a few things, I can help you to turn your friend back to human
-Sabrina: how to know to turn, stone back to human
-Me: they made him from clay
-Sabrina: right
-Caliban: I can look for the spell but I want Sulivan to come with me
-Me: what? why?
-Caliban: I have something talk about you and me
-Harve: if he can turn back Rozz to normal, then
-Me: Fine I come, stay here and if anything happend call me
I get to him, I stand in front of him and he smiles at me, he raises his hand and we left, with hellfire travel us, we get to the library

We look for books for hours
-Me: Why it's called the spell of Pucmolion?
-Caliban: You don't know the myth?
-Me: No
-Caliban: it was sculpted, and he made a woman, and then he fell in love with her and he makes a wish to be alive, he makes an offer to God to leave that he loves the most the sculpt and in return this woman to life
I smile
-Me: that's is beautiful
-Caliban: why are you crying?
-Me: it's nothing, so we have a spell to find
-Caliban: Yes and I propose to discuss and you said to listen to it
-Me: Okay, I'm listening
-Caliban: what if I don't fight anymore for the throne with your sister and you do something for me
And he smiles
-Me: what?
-Caliban: merry me
He smiles more
-Me: merry you? We have different things
-Caliban: are you sure about that?
-Me: yeah, I don't want to turn the Earth into ten circles of Hell for example
-Caliban: what if I put that away?
-Me: why you ask me to marry you?
-Caliban: why you think? I like you and I love you
-Me: I thought you like my sister
-Caliban: your sister? No, it's not me type
-Me: first we are too young, I'm only 16
-Caliban: and?
-Me: I want to live more and see more things
-Caliban: what if we see them together?
-Me: can I think about it?
-Caliban: Of course you can, but you have something to give me because I find the spell we want
-Me: really?
And he closes the book
-Caliban: so what you give me for save, your friend?
-Me: what do you want?
-Caliban: how about a....kiss?
-Me: kiss? Where?
He smiles
-Caliban: here
And he shows his lips
-Me: what?
-Caliban: think about your friend
-Me: Fine, but only one
-Caliban: okay

He comes close to me, he places his hand on my back, and then he kisses me, I feel weird but nice, what? No, I can't, fell in love with him, he kissed me for more than 20 minutes, then we are done, I look at him
-Me: we...we...have...we...have...to....go...you know
He laughs
-Caliban: yeah I know

We get back, and we see Rooz broken, and Herve try to pick her up
-Me: Oh no, Herve
-Harve: I come back after 15 minutes and she was like that
-Me: Caliban that's mean is dead?
-Caliban: no, we just need to put her back together
-Harve: but is broken
-Caliban: just put the piece back, and I come after a fix something special
He left, we put Rozz back, all of this happend because of me, we get back Rozz and we are ready for the spell, we get to high school
-Harve: and now?
-Caliban: Now you have to offer
-Harve: to who?
-Caliban: to God Afrodite God of love
-Harve: why?
-Caliban: for taking your lover back, you have to refuse your love for Rozz and not kiss her never again
-Sabrina: Harve, no it's mast be another offer
-Caliban: no it's not

Harve get close to Rozz and say the spell and kiss her, but nothing happend
-Harve: nothing happend, you lied
The start to fight (with words) and Harve was ready to hit him because he said about Rozz that he don't love her and love someone, else, and he smiles, before he hit him, I get in front of him
-Harve: Sulivan I'm sorry
-Me: Ouch!!! I'm okay
-Caliban: I'm gonna turn you in ash if you touch him again
-Me: both of you stop
-Sabrina: Robin, what you have to tell us?
-Robin: in the park, is one witch who has a special power she can turn your friend back to human
-Sulivan: I know her, but she dangerous right?
-Robin: yeah, she very dangerous, her magic is in her hand, she can turn everyone anything that she has ever see before, without magic we can't fight her
-Sabrina: I don't have magic but you have
And he looks at me
-Caliban I'm not let you go there, forget it!!!
-Me: we need, this witch, we have, do that,
-Caliban: no, if you do that, I'm going to take you and bring you back home and never see them again, your father is going to do that
-Me: But, they need me
-Sabrina: he won't go alone

We get back to Academy, we take Rozz with us and it was Dorcas too there and we find their witches that was not in the coven was alone and we get to the park and we have with as our demonic, I have Reggie and Sabrina have Salem
-Me: let's go find her

We start looking around and people come out, I gear witches said, "we give you the power of" and my sister pick a witch I do mine, I don't need power so when we fight then, we left our demonic get inside
-With: where you come from, you two?
She said with a smile and get close to them We grab her and we said
-Me and Sabrina: we got her, now
And we get back, Caliban come and take me away from her
-Witch: released me!!!
-Sabrina: No until you fix my friends here
-Witch: even if I can, I would not do it!!
-Me: you are, this is your power
-Ambrose: do it or we do it
-Harve: we only need your hand
-Witch: fine I do it
She gets close to Rozz and Dorcas, she touches them
-Witch: This person, that be in stone, turn them please to flash and bone
And the get back to humans
-Theo: and the guys, who turn them into pigs
We bring them inside and she turns them back to human
-Me: and my aunt
-Sabrina: what?
-Me: she turned our aunt into a spider
-Witch: fine, only because you aks it
I bring my aunt inside and she touches her and brings her back to normal
-Me: thank you
-Witch: is the only one that you deserve to live
And with that, she left
-Caliban: we have to leave
-Me: okay
I said goodbye to everyone, for now, and we leave

What happend next? What Sulivan said to Caliban about the offer? They will marry or not? Sabrina and Nick will be back together or not? The old "gods" win or they die? We Find Out!!!

            I HOPE TO ENJOY MY STORY!!!
                         LOVE YOU ALL!!!!
                               I'M OUT!!!


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