•Chapter 6• | Drugged |

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he takes my hand roughly leaving me no time to think. he walks fastly as i was dragging along behind him. his grip was tight and in no time soon would he let go. he had anger in his glowing emerald eyes that never looked anywhere but straight. he had his eyes stern into the depths of the forest ahead keeping them glued there. as he was dragging me across the feild into the pine tree filled forest i couldn't keep my eyes off him. my feet stumbled from wet grass to muddy dirt when i saw the opening ahead in the forest. it was a small patch of open dirt area surrounded by hundreds of trees. as we got there he finally stopped and let go, his eyes peircing into mine.

he looked down and sternly said "if your not scared of me, you need to know what i'm capable of george." i look up with worry in my eyes no clue of what to think. before i could even speak, in a quick motion he raced to the other side of the open patch in the blink of an eye. when i look where he just was he was gone and definitely a few yards behind me. i quickly turn my gaze around in complete and utter shock stumbling over my words. "ho-?" "so you think your faster than me?!?" he shouts with a smile. he races to the other side of the space and grips a huge half boulder with two bare hands. he lifts it with ease and chucks it over my head letting it smash down on a nearby tree showing no effort at all. my eyes go wide as i duck to protect my head even though it was nowhere near me. "you think your stronger than me george?!" he says before laughing and clutching his stomach leaving me in shock and confusion.

he speeds next to me getting dangerously close to my neck before quietly whispering "i am dangerous george. everything i do hurts you. we shouldn't be here george. you shouldn't know what i am." i shiver as his words spill down my back and across my neck. i shakily let out a sigh and whisper back "you wouldn't hurt me clay. i don't care if your dangerous or not clay, i want to be here. with you." he slowly backs up eyeing me with an eyebrow raised.

"what do we eat george?"

he says slowly. he sounds like he's testing me for something.


i say sternly looking down. he met my eyes with a serious gaze before saying "your not wrong george. your a smart little cat. but not human blood. i drink animal blood. i don't want to be a monster. even if i am." i look up with a small smile "your not a monster clay. you never have been." i reassure him. he returns a small hurt smile and says "we need to get you home george. there are things out here i wouldn't want you running into after dark." in one glance he grabs my hand with a slow motion. before we can start walking i quickly stop and look up at him.

"how old are you clay?"


"..how long have you been 19...?"

he hesitates before looking down. "110 years." he says with a light chuckle. i look up wide eyed but slowly died down after a second deep in thought. it made sense. vampires don't age. ever, i didn't know what i was expecting but that definitely threw me off guard. we started walking out of the forest hand in hand through the now sunny sky's and moist atmosphere. we walked in comfortable silence taking in what happened before in the open patch between the trees. his warm hand in mind holding on tightly warming my hand and heart. as we were approaching the middle of the feild in open grass he turns to me with a slight smirk grabbing me by the waist and picking me up bridal style. i yelp i'm surprise. "what are you doing??" i laugh with him as he grips my legs tighter and says "hold on tight."

before i knew it we were passing the acres of feild faster then what my eyes could focus on. everything was blurry as he ran through the grass with ease holding me in his arms. in only a few seconds time we were stood facing the back of my house. as we slowed to a quick stop i loosen my grip around his neck where my arms were holding. i shakily let out a breath slowly resting down to my feet as his arms slowly let go of my waist. i missed the warm print his hands left right away. "stay safe george. promise me you won't do anything dumb while im gone?" i stand there in shock trying to recap what happened before stuttering out "i wont clay i'm literally 19 i'm not a child." with a small fake laugh. he steps back giving me a smile before turning leaving my eye sight in a flash. i stare out in the distance as he ran leaving my sight quickly.

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