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I sense the grail.

Lisa looks at me unsure as we enter a large faculty

"Are you sure it's in here?" She asks

"Yes," I mutter as we sneak around.

We went down a few levels. And we entered a large hall.

"There," I say pointing at a table. Someone was lying on it

As we got closer...we recognized who it was...Irisveil.

"What's she doing here?" Lisa asks worried as she runs to the white-haired lady

"I remember her telling me that she's the vessel for the Grail," I say as Lisa's eyes widen.

"Irisveil wake up," Lisa says as she touches her.

Lisa's skin goes pale as she looks at me

"She's cold," Lisa says as she reaches for her neck to feel for a pulse.

"Oh no," she says looking at him

"She's dead," Lisa says as tears come to her eyes

"Revive her," Lisa she demands it

"I can't," I tell her

"Revive her," She repeats. As her eyes turn into a golden colour

"You can do it," a different voice comes from her mouth as her eyes return to their normal colour

"Ok," I mutter as I look at her.

She said that she got weaker by the day because of the Grail. So if I want to revive her, I need to separate the grail from her and that might be enough...but I don't know how to do that

"Your sword," the same voice from before says. I look at Lisa and she looks surprised

"My memory seems to pop in and out for the past few minutes," she says

"I think that's Mother Nature using your body to speak," I say. It clear that they haven't merged minds yet.

I hold up Milunder

Why did she my sword

As if to answer my question. My blade started glowing a bright yellow light

I let it out and it floated there

"Milunder, the sword created to make life...and cause destruction," the voice says as Lisa has Goldeneyes

"So what's happening?" I ask

"You may not be able to heal curses...but your sword can content it. And if we are lucky, it should be strong enough to rip the Grail out of the body and for a split second store it inside...then it will be placed back into this world as a separate item," She says

Irisviel's body lights up and suddenly everything dims and the sword drops to the ground

"What happened?" I ask as Lisa's body ponders her thoughts

"I don't know," she says as her golden eyes return to normal.

I suddenly get a bad feeling. I grab Lisa and Irisviel as I tuck them away in the corner. As I picked up Irisveil, I could feel that she was alive now.

"What are you doing?" Lisa asks

"Shhh," I say as I notice I left my sword in the middle of the room.


A huge explosion fills my vision as I shield the two ladies. I was holding them both with my back turned to the explosion. I feel that we were thrown through multiple walls from the sudden force.

Knight (Fate Zero-Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now