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As I walked back to the mansion, all that went through my mind was the King. I have no problem with women being kings, however, I do have a problem with it being kept a secret.

I help the two ladies go inside the mansion as I see carnage as we enter, looks like quite a showdown happened

"Oh dear, what happened?" Irisviel says looking around

"we were attack by more than just Caster, " Kiritsugu says coming into view, Lisa follows not far behind.

"Lancer's master came in to kill me," Kiritsugu says as Saber appears, he gives a glare

"yes, we were attacked by Kotomine too, " Maiya says

"and Caster escaped," Saber says. I can't help but think about the King's gender as he speaks. Is what Irisviel says true?

"I wish to go after Caster," Saber pleas

"You will not," Kiritsugu says without a second thought. Saber looks down defeated

"My Kin--" I began but I'm instantly shut up by Lisa

"You will not speak," She says coldly

"But My---" I began to say again

"Your King has no control over you in this world, you listen to me, not King Arthur," She says laying out rules straight forward. I clench my teeth

"Yes my master," I say defeated

"We have plans we must discuss, stand watch," She orders

"Yes," I say kneeling

"I shall join you," Saber says

"This is no job for a King," I protest

"As Lisa said, I'm no King right now, I'm a heroic Spirit," He says

"Indeed," I mutter

We stand guard until my curiosity gets the better of me

"Irisviel told me something," I say talking to Saber

"What might that be?" He asks

"She says you are not a man, but rather a Woman," I say looking at Saber. They think for a bit

"What she says is true, I am no man," She says.

"Understood," I say turning my direction to the forest that surrounds us

"I understand you see why I could not tell anyone," She asks

"Yes, I may have no problem with a Queen being a Knight, but others certainly would," I mutter

"I see, thank you for understanding," Saber says relieved

"However, I do have a problem with it being a secret from me....I thought we were brothers to the end, and that we would tell each other everything," I say with no emotion

"I understand your anger," Saber says as she walks away

I stood for who knows how long. I watch as Kiritsugu and Lisa leave the mansion to follow the man who wrecked the place. I tried to convince them to let me follow, but they settled on going alone

Knight (Fate Zero-Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now