A Lesson

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I was staring at a divine being.

She glittered so bright I could to cover my eyes with my arm

"Boy. Do you wish for great power?" She asks

"Yes, I wish to aid my King in prosperity," I shout to the figure

"By King. You mean the one chosen by the Sword in Stone, Caliburn," She continues

"Indeed, He is the one who wields Excalibur, I wish to further aid him in protecting the people of Briton," I explain

"I see, for my eyes see no secrets, no venom. As for your intentions, are pure. Like the sun on a hot day...Blistering bright," The lady says

"I, Mother of all things, Mother of Nature, shall grant you a power that gods crave. You may move mountains, you may control the skies. You may destroy life...and create it. As for you, are my new catalyst. However, use it wisely. As someone with this power, can be worshipped, feared....or hated

I suddenly open my eyes in hurry. I still remember that day. That day Mother Nature gave me the right to protect the great people of my land.

I remember not even being able to set my eyes on her she was so bright. I look around and we are in what looks to be a Japanese style home. After the battle last night, we stayed here for the night.

It was the breath of morning as the sun was peaking its head.

"Your awake," I hear Lisa say. I look in her direction to she's cuddled in the blankets in a bed about 2 feet away

"I forgot how cramped it was in here," I mutter

"Ah, yes," She says as she covers half her face with the Blankets

"Even though it's small, it's still rather cold," She says. Above the blanket, her long silky black hair is spread across the pillow. That, and I've just noticed her eyes shine like a Ruby. The red eyes pierce my soul as they are exposed just over the blanket

"That's odd, you have scarlet eyes," I mutter

"You just noticed," She mutters

"Blasphemy, I surely would have, perhaps I only took note of them as they stare at me," I say

"I'm only staring at you because I saw some of your past," She says

"Ah, perhaps you saw what I dreamt of?" I ask

"If it had Mother Nature then yes...I did," She says

"then I suppose you know why I dreamt of it," I say

"I'm guessing it's because you used your noble Phantasm last night," she says

"Correct," I mutter

"So, if you can Create life....why did you die? I mean couldn't you have resurrected yourself," She asks

"When I died, I'm afraid it was in a manner where even If I did come back...it would hold no meaning," I say quickly and in a tone that I didn't want to continue this topic

"Still though, it's amazing that you can control almost everything...the ground, water, wind, storms, we can probably win this war anytime," she says

"Yes, we certainly could, however, this would go against the rules. Making a giant water ball was already pushing it," I say

"And, my attacks consume massive amounts of Mana, the fact you didn't pass out after I cast it just proves how good of a Mage you are...command seal or not," I say

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