Chapter 2: Wild Animals

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(Warnings: Slight dubcon. Degradation.)

As the Supreme Leader's only qualified Inquisitor, you were used to the feeling of superiority. You were competent and special. You were powerful.

    It was always Snoke's goal to build his own personal army similar to Darth Vader's Inquisitors. It was the reason why he kept you around when you were abandoned as a baby. He wanted you to follow in your parent's footsteps and serve him in the same way that they had served Vader.

    You were born into this life. There were no options in it, everything was chosen for you.

    It was similar to Kylo's childhood. It was impossible for him to go on without being in his family's shadow. Although he had more insight than you had because there was light and dark within him, he could never escape the expectations that everyone had for him. He had so much to live up to. Just like you did.

You and Kylo had a lot more in common than you knew, more than the two of you would probably ever let yourselves admit. As in control as the both of you pretended to be, you both felt trapped. Born into a life that you never asked for.

    And right now, you felt trapped more than ever, stuck inside the dark walls of the Finalizer.

When you rolled over in your compartmentalized bed, you were surprised to see a small droid in the corner of your room. "What are you doing here?" You instantly asked. It didn't alarm you, it was harmless. And besides, whoever decided to mess with you would be a complete idiot (Kylo included) because of your close ties to the Supreme Leader.

"Can't a girl get a few hours of sleep around here without being watched?" You asked, mostly to yourself in an irritated tone. Last night you had been woken up by Kylo staring at you and eventually holding you down on your bed. Now, you woke up to this.

'I am sent on behalf of Commander Ren.'

You rolled your eyes, sitting up in bed so that you could kick your legs over the side and stand up from it. You stretched your arms over your head, "Alright, go on then. What does he want?" You told the little machine, yawning.

'You will follow me to the cafeteria per request of Commander Ren.'

You let out a short laugh as you made your way to your bathroom, once again letting out a yawn. "Yeah, sure. That's cute but you can go. I'll figure it out." You said, patting the droid's metallic head as it followed behind you.

It made a whirring noise at that, the system inside of it wondering how it should respond.

    'I am programmed to obey Commander Ren.'

    You glanced down at it as you started to brush your teeth, scrubbing away because of the annoyance you felt. It wasn't really towards this poor little droid but more towards the man who sent it for you. He could've given you instructions on how to get there, informed your guards where to take you, or even sent his own guards. But of course, he chose the most humiliating option, forcing you to to follow this thing around.

    "Well how about this? You go back to Commander Ren," You said his name sarcastically, "And you tell him that he can pick you up and shove you right up his ass." You said, spitting into the sink then rinsed your toothbrush off. "I'll figure out where to go. Please leave."

    The droid made a sad robotic sound at that and very slowly went towards your door. It paused in the doorway, giving you the chance to tell it to come back so that it could obey Kylo like it was programmed to do.

    "Bye now." You called out, waving your hand with a flick of your wrist so that your door slid open, allowing it to have a chance to exit.

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