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After my more then embarrassing breakdown early this morning. Pete and I decided to just chill and lay around.

Pete had continuously asked me if I was okay. At first it was nice knowing he was worried about me but now it was almost 12 in the afternoon and it was starting to become annoying.

I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone waiting for Pete to be done with a work call he took out on the small patio.

I decided I would text Mika to see what she was up to today.

Me: hey babe

It took a couple minutes until she finally responded.

Mika: yo yo wassup

Me: nothin much just waiting for pete to be done with a work call so we can figure out plans for the day

Mika: sounds like fun

Me: yeah

Mika: so... how are you? rlly? dont bs me!

I sighed annoyed now that Mika was asking me the same question

Me: oh ya know. probs as good as someone would be after being broken up with :/

Mika: dude im rlly sorry tht all happened westons a dick

Me: yeah trust me ik I got the same speech from pete last night and this morning

Mika: ooooo fun times I see you guys are having

I laughed to myself

Me: u know it

My attention was pulled away from my phone when I heard the door to the patio open. Pete walked in from being outside raising his eyebrows at me once he noticed me looking his way.

I turned back down to phone.

Me: speak of the devil...

I turned back around to see Pete getting a glass of water.

"Peter come here." I said waving at him to walk my way

"Please don't call me Peter." He said smiling

"Whatever, now come be in this selfie with me I'm sending it to Mika."

I heard his footsteps come towards me as I opened up my camera on my phone, I saw Pete come into view and he held the glass of water to his lips while throwing up his middle finger. I however stuck with the classic peace sign.

After snapping the photo I sent it to Mika.

Me: *image uploaded*

Mika: nice lol tell pete this is for him...

I waited for to respond with a second text. She sent a photo of her flipping the camera off. The picture meant for Pete.

I laughed as I turned my phone to show Pete, who was now sitting next to me on the couch.

"How classy." He remarked smirking

"Here send her another picture."

I opened my camera once again waiting for Pete's next move.

He unexpectedly shoved his face into view, practically lying on my chest. He flipped off the camera once again while I just laughed as I took the picture.

I sent it Mika waiting for her response.

Me: *image uploaded*

Me: he wanted me to send you another pic lol

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