So Wrong but right

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I never really thought of anyone that romantically before at Hogwarts especially the teachers anyway until  my 6th year at Hogwarts were that started to change completely...

As I was walking to potions class I heard a familiar voice across the hallway it was Draco Lucius Malfoy my best friend since forever (me and Draco grew up together knowing as my mother was  Bellatrix Lestrange  and when she was sent to Azkaban and was living with the Malfoys most of my life pretty strange actually I can't remember anything before the age of 7.) "Y/N" Malfoy oh how I've missed ur horrid voice "keep it Lestrange anyway did u do the homework for snapes class?" We had homework and u didn't thing to tell me!!

"Y/N I thought u would've done it oops." Oh god snapes going to kill me u idiot "Calm down will you Lestrange he loves you he's obsessed with u Y/N" shut it Malfoy.

As we reached the door my heart started pounding and I kept thinking how's he going to react I swear if he..

"Y/N ur late by five whole minutes see me after class have you at least done the homework?"As soon as I heard his voice my heart stopped and I felt like I couldn't breath I was so embarrassed "no sir she hasn't she forgot" I heard this dark voice across the room only to realise it was Malfoy I felt red and flushed "shut it Malfoy." The only words I could spit out as my legs near gave out. "Have you?" Snape said in a tone I had never heard before "no sir" I stuttered "very well 5 points of Slytherin." Everyone groaned except Malfoy with  with the biggest grin on his face while I sat down.

Me and Harry were taking as he was at the table beside me. (Me and Harry were each other's firsts still on good terms but Draco was furious) as we near burst out of laughter I jumped as Harry got hit at the back of the the head with a book by snape but before I could get my words out snape leaned over my desk and said "you have already behaved badly enough I don't think u would want to be punished for that would u see me after class miss Lestrange" I couldn't get words out so I just nodded and I felt this strange way about him i couldn't exactly explain it but it made me feel weak to the knees I spent the rest of the class thinking what he might do to me and his words just kept repeating in my head no matter what I did to try stop I couldn't and then class was dismissed...


"Y/N" I heard this dark gloomy voice call inches away from me breathing heavily as I turned around it was exactly who I thought it was and he didn't look one bit happy with me...

"Why do you think u can arrive to my class late and miss the homework and speak out of term in my class miss Lestrange?" I felt these big hands wrap around my torso as it sent shivers up my spine as I tried to get words out a I couldn't this had never happened before all I could say is I- before I was pinned against the wall with his hand holding both of my hands up with the free one round my neck.

"I think the only suitable answer is for u to be punished?" His face inches away from mine his breaths getting heavier and deeper each second I never felt this way for anyone It felt so wrong but so right. I gulped and said "what do u mean punish me?" "I think you know exactly what I mean Miss Lestrange" As he raised his eyebrows I couldn't resist him anymore.

My lips bashed on to his as I let out soft groans between kisses all of a sudden I could feel myself getting wetter by the second I could feel him getting hard under his robe. "I said u need punished" as he bashed  me on the desk the mini skirt I had on  was now laying on the ground and he ripped my shirt on of leaving rough kisses down my body as he whispered into my ear "so wet for me already ur pathetic" as he slipped to fingers into to me still holding the kiss as I moaned into his mouth I tried to move my hand down to rub my clit but it was bashed on to the desk "I said I was punishing u if u even try touch urself again I will regret it "u feel so fucking good don't stop" I moaned as his fingers slid in and out of me I could feel my self about to realise "I-I-I'm going to cum" I regret saying that because when I did the pleasuring completely stopped.

I felt as if I was tied to his desk as he whispered into my ear "I'm going to fuck you so hard" and before I could even process it I felt him inside of me slipping in and out not hiding a moan what so ever I had never had someone make me feel this good he wrapped his hand round my throat leaving hickeys all over my body "open ur mouth now" I did what I was told as he spat into my mouth making me closer to realise again "I-I-I'm going to c-cum" but before I could he slipped out of me and looked me dead in the eyes and came all over me "look at u ur pathetic get up" I was in shocked as I went to get up his fingers slipped in side of me and I let out a whimper as before I knew it I came all over his fingers and he licked them know hopefully that will teach u 

I went to get up I fell to my feet once I got my balance and I got cleaned up I headed back to the common room where Draco was the snogging some randomer I rolled my eyes but obviously he saw and caught up with me I wanted to tell him everything  but I couldn't I didn't want to risk anything but before I could speak " Y/N wats that on ur neck and who gave that to you" (let me remind u Draco is very protective of me) i trembled I couldn't speak "eh nothing" I swear Y/N see if bloody Harry gave those to you I'm gonna kill him" I swear Draco he..

But before I could speak he bashed his lips against mine...

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