"A little crush"

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Me and Malfoy got into potions on time thank god because i don't think i could handle any punishments at the minute i could hardly walk as it is.

I'm just glad there's less tension between me and Severus now since we made up and i'm glad we did.

"today class we will be making amortentia now all of you know this is the strongest potion in the world of witch's and wizards and whatever you smell is what ur attracted to now get on with it"

He seemed more cheery and happy today but he was still his normal grumpy self.

I couldn't find hermione anywhere me and her wwere best friends in 1st ur but we faded a lot but were always there for eachother and usually she would sit in front of me but she was no were to be found"

"i'm so sorry professor i slept in parkension  can u stop with the perfume it's all i can smell"
well that's one way to come out
"hermione you do realise we're making amortentia" i whispered into her ear with the whole class in shock even snape.

"Fuck well now everyone knows" mione started to panic she looked like she was gonna have a breakdown
"don't worry i'm proud of you just ignore them and if pansy says anything i'm sure she will like you back ur gorgeous"

After everyone settled down u could see pansy blushing like mad i didn't exactly like her but i can see her and hermione together.

"lestrange what do you smell" malfoy said when the potion was finished.

"old shoes warm spices leather bitterness"

"Miss Lestrange can you please stay after class"
"Of course professor"

"Aren't you gonna ask me what i smell y/n"
"No because i already know who you smell he's in ur bed every time i'm in ur dorm Malfoy" i whispered into his ear.

Soon enough if was the end of class and after everyone left i ran up and hugged Severus.

"I missed you" i said
He smiled back at me
"so what did you wanna talk about"

"What did you smell in the amortentia early"

"Old shoes warm spices and bitterness i smelt you Severus"

"But how's that possible i'm your teacher and i smelt rotting roses but also fresh ones with a whiff of sweetness i smelt you but all i use to smell was lilly"

"Well isn't that a good thing?"

"Well yes and no i'm ur teacher and ur my student but i really think i do like u more than lilly i think her now and feel nothing but when i think of u all these possibilities come to mind"

"Are you saying you love me"
"Yes i do i love you y/n and a stupid little crush turned into me loving my student no matter how ridiculous it is i am saying that"

"Well severus i never thought i'd here you say that to me but you know i love you as well and i'm coming over to ur office later and we're gonna have a nice spa night okay?"

"what the fuck is a spa night" he had a confused look on his face which sent shivers down my back.

"wait and see" i winked at him

I went to the rest of my classes in charms class hermione sent me a note telling me to meet her on the bridge after school.

She looked quite upset so of course i said yes.

As soon as my last class finished with the Hufflepuffs i went straight to the bridge to see hermione sitting there looking like she had been crying for three days straight.

"Hey wanna talk about early?" i dropped down beside her and she put her head on my thighs

"See if i didn't wake up late i would've been fine and got in with my day acting like i hated her but i didn't even realise i liked women last year until i kissed luna by accident but then u started to like pansy and now she knows the whole school knows and what if i loose everyone because i'm now known as a faggot

(yes i can say it i'm bi in rl)

"Mione you do realise if anyone makes fun of you or anything like that they will be getting crucioed"

hermione laughed

"What about we go get butter beers outa the three broomsticks to cheer you up" I asked hoping it will get her mind of pansy.

"yes pls y/n it would mean a lot" she got up and near hugged me to death"

"mione ur gonna kill me"

"oops sorry" we both made stupid jokes and then we arrived and sat down still giggling at stupid things until pansy came in.

"mione not to alarm u but parkinson just came in and she's coming over" i whispered

"Do i look alright is my hair okay"
"yes of course it is u always look hot anyways"

"Hey granger can we talk about early" i heard her mumble
"what do you mean there's nothing to talk about you in love with draco"

"look i only do that because i want to look good for the school but if i'm being honest i like you back i have since third year that's when i knew i was lesbian because i always tried my hardest to be the boy lover obbessed girl but i'm really not i'm completely the opposite"

"wait really"
"yeah and i'm sorry for what i've done to you
y/n as well"

"Don't worry about in parkinson i'll leave u two alone bye mione good luck"

i always new there was going to be something between them two.


When i got back i went to go find severus
in his office.

"Severus i'm here"
I shouted wondering why he wasn't in his office
"I'm in here love i ran the bath for us because i'm guessing that has something to do with a spa thing"

I ran and jumped into his arms like i haven't seen him in weeks even thought we were together eight hours ago but that was still to long.

"i missed you"
"i can tell" we both laughed for about five minutes.

"accio facemasks" they appeared right on the bathroom sink i saw rose petals and bubbles in the bath i thanked severus and we both climbed in.

"will u sit still so i can put this in ur face"
"What even is it.
"It's weird."

"well it will make ur skin smooth"
"i use potions for that"

soon enough we both were lying in the bath him behind me and we both decided after thirty mins we should get out.

Soon enough we were both lying in bed watching movies and falling asleep in each others arms

"i love you y/n"
"i love you more severus"
We both fell into a deep relaxing sleep
i wish i would always be this happy.

If only i knew what was going to happen in a years time

Authors notes
hey everyone that last part u won't find that out for a good couple of chapters yet  anyway what do u think of hermione and pansy i love this ship 🦉🧸💜

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