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"How do you feel princess" I heard a soft voice vibrate threw my chest as he dug his head deeper into my neck.

"I think I feel alright" I started to to play with his hair gliding my hands threw it. "We're are you gonna stay for Christmas break?" "I think I might just stay at Hogwarts this year I don't exactly feel like going to the malfoy a this year"

I didn't want to face Lucius after what happened in the summer and I wanted to stay with Severus we are going to hogsme tomorrow I was planning on getting Severus something there.

After a hour of lying in bed I decided to go back to my dorm I went to get up and fell right back down and let out a chuckle. "I told u so" "shush Severus" he came over and helped me get up and try learn how to walk without limping.

I got dressed and pecked Severus on the lips and went to go before he stopped me.

"You forgot this Y/N" fuck I forgot about his present he gave to me. I turned around slowly and saw a smirk on his face and looked down to see the vibrator in his hand.

He set it in my hand "put this on when you get back and u are not aloud to take it off until I tell you to okay?" "Okay professor" I walked out the door my heart was racing it was round 8:30 u would think that's early on a weekend but we didn't want to get caught I went into my dorm and got changed and put the vibrator in my underwear and put make up on wondering when it's gonna start.

I went to go see Draco and surprisingly Harry wasn't there.

"Draco are u ready to go to breakfast I'm starving" "coming Y/N" we went into the hall and sat down at the slytherin table at the side closet to the teachers table since there was no other free seats I looked over and saw Severus at the table and then started talking to Draco about 5 minutes into are conversation I gasped at the feel of the vibrator going of I shot severus a look.

"Are you alright Y/N" Draco said like he was worried. "I'm fine food went down the wrong way that's all" I tried to control myself while it now was on full blast. "Miss Lestrange and mr Malfoy are use going to hogsme tomorrow?" I looked behind me and there was snape right beside me looking me up and down. "Yes we are professor" I gulped before I realise my orgasm approached I slapped my hand over my mouth with Draco away to the toilet Severus saw me and a smirk grew on his face while it was still going I felt like he was trying to over stimulate me. I jumped out of my seat and ran to the bathroom and went in a cubicle I know I couldn't take it of but I needed to be in my own space.

I sat there for a good minute and decided to go throw water round my face. It finally stopped. I felt this warm breath on the back of my neck I turned around.

"You enjoining the punishment Miss Lestrange"
"No not at all"
"Good I want you to be treated like the slut you are" he whispered in my ear withought thinking all could think about us how I wanted him to fuck me right there on the sink I loved the way he looked at me when he fucked me.

"I might if your good" he let out a small chuckle and wrapped his hands round my hips and dig his fingers them. "I forgot you could do that" I went completely red.

He bashed his lips on to mine letting out a groan and grabbed my ass then just walked away.

Of course he wasn't going to do anything to me I hated when he does this teases me so much then just leaves.

When I got my breath back I went to go find Draco he was in doing it with Harry while I walked in but I didn't care.

"You two having fun under there" I chuckled
"Wtf Y/N get out" "Okay just don't break the bed lovebirds oh and I have figured a name out for use drarry" I closed the door getting something like a pencil threw at me on my way out I was listening to music and had my window open while the Malfoys owl flu in.

Dear y/n I heard u weren't staying for the holidays this year so I brought you a present it should be in the basket somewhere I hope we will see you soon
        Narcissa xox

Narcissa treated me as her own daughter since my mother to this day is locked up in Azkaban.

In the basket I saw a dark green blanket with my name in it and some home made cookies I'm guessing one of there elf's made.

I decided to go down to the library but before I could get there mcgonngull came up to me and told me dumbledore would like to see me in his office.

When I was going up the stairs to his office I felt a vibration in my pants realising Severus had put it on and he had to choose the worst time to do it.

The speeds kept changing on them.

"Hello Y/N I was a bit worried when I heard you weren't staying at the malfoys for Christmas like you usually do every year is everything okay?"

"Yes sir everything is okay I just felt like I wanted to stay this year for Christmas just to switch it up a bit I heard it's quite peaceful at Christmas"
I could feel myself getting closer and closer

"Okay miss Lestrange well if you need anything I'm always here ur dismissed" "thank you sir" I rushed out and squeezed my eyes shut as I came for the third time today.

"Is everything okay there Lestrange?" I opened my eyes to see Severus right in front of me
With the biggest grin on his face as the vibrations had stopped.

"No maybe if you stopped doing this in the worst situations I might be"

"Well that's all part of your punishment isn't it your lucky the day is near over we're that for another hour and then you can take it of and come to my office".

"Yes professor" I looked him in the eyes and walked of I spent the next hour in my room I came about 4 more times didn't even know that was possible and I finally took it of and changed my underwear and went to his office.

I knocked the door and it swung open and I saw him marking papers. He didn't seem to notice I was there I snuck up behind him and gave him a tight hug.

"Severus you alright" "fine now that your here"
He stood up and locked his lips with mine and before I knew it we were lying in bed completely out of breath.

Severus walked over to get his wand and lit the fire turned the lights of and took a book and sat down on the couch. "Come here I wanna read this to you"

"Aww I don't know you could be such a softie at times Severus" "For the right people I am" he pecked my cheek and it was around 11:00pm we started to get tired. He carried me over to the bed and handed me one of his jumpers to sleep in.

We both changed and my head rested on top of his chest he gave me a peck on the lips.

I really am in love with him I just don't know if he feels the same way.

Severus POV
I really think I'm in love with my own student I never felt like this before.

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