Im sorry

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listen to church by chase atlantic and freak show by alejerda lema for this chapter

"Come in" confused because the only person there would've been draco but he wasn't coming home till 8 and it's only 7.

"Draco i thought u were staying out till eight."

"With who?"



"i'm sorry professor i completely forgot i didn't mean to" "that's earned you another detention i'm sure if bella found out miss lestrange she wouldn't be to happy would she" he did that thing with his face that made me completely melt every time he did it.

"fuck don't pls Severus she will kill me when she gets out of Azkaban" i sat down on the corner of bed and he kept coming closer and and closer until he said

"Well there is one way you can make up for it but i'm sure we're not in great terms right now are we"

It clicked what he was trying to say but he was just about to leave and close the door behind him.

"severus don't go please" he turned around and stepped back into my room.

"look i'm sorry i didn't mean to hurt ur feelings and do that with lucius it was stupid and wrong and if i'm being honest all i could think about was you when i was with him"

He shut the door behind him and walked up to me. "just shut the fuck up"

He pushed me onto the bed before climbing on top of me and closing the gap between us.

My hands gliding threw his i already knew i was in trouble i might as well make the most of it.

I flipped us over feeling him get hard threw his pants.

"Your playing a risky game y/n i'd watch ur behaviour knees now"
"yes professor" he grabbed my hair and wrapped it round his grip hard and tight while i unbuckled his pants and and slide them down with his boxers and saw his hard on pop up. Bigger than Lucius that's for sure.

Before i could speak he shoved himself into my mouth to his base.

"Remember i'm the only one allowed to treat you like this and no one else can touch you so take me like the slut you are"

"Yes professor" I could feel myself getting wetter by his words just the way he treats me like this i can't help but love it.

All you could here in the room is his moans getting heavier as i went up and down trying not to gag with tears down my eyes.

He grabbed my throat "get up" i did and he threw me in the bed and smashed his lips onto mine and grinded on my lower half not breaking the kiss moans coming out of both of are mouths.

"strip now" he whispered in my ear as he got of me.

i took my shirt of remembering i wasn't wearing a bra.

"not evening wearing a bra" i smirk appeared on his face as i was now fully exposed.

I walked up to Severus sitting on the chair and straddle him grinding against him moaning filling the air around us kissing his neck and back to his lips slipping his tongue into my mouth and picked me up and threw me on the bed.

His hand painfully slow  going lower and lower I bucked my hips up telling him to hurry up and that just made him go slower but finally reaching my clit.

Dipping his head swirling his tongue round my clit while his two fingers roughly pushed into me making me whimper before I knew it I was on the edge feeling my walls tighten around his fingers for the 7th time hopping he will let me"

"severus please let me"
"go on cum for me"
I let go screaming his name he came up with a smirk on his face making me taste myself.

He claimed on top of me and whispered in my ear "good girl" i melted at his words and flipped us over and smashed my lips on to his then after whispered in his ear "thank you professor"

Before returning to the kiss  i could feel him throbbing before he flipped us over again and lined himself up into my entrance before looking up to me for consent i gave him a nod.

After thirty mins of non stop moaning i could feel him twitch and got of him.

Severus looked confused until i wrapped my mouth around him until i felt something warm fill up the back of throat.

i went back up to him and smiled and said "well i don't have a detention anymore do I?

"no now let's go get you cleaned up he went to my bathroom and took a warm cloth and rubbed it up and down my body before returning to me.

"can you stay here i've missed you"

"of course i can" he climbed into the bed beside   me and i lay on top of him just glad i got him back and we both drifted of to sleep and before i knew it it was the morning and severus had gone i was sad but i knew he had to if we didn't want to get caught i finally got up and had a shower happy i had a 2 hour class with him today i did my hair deciding to wear i jumper or not i did and used a spell to do my make up and went to wake up draco.

"hey draco you there" i opened the door to see him and harry sleeping al cuddled up together.

i found a pillow on the floor and threw it at the both of them earning a scream from the both of them "goodmoring love bugs get up and get dressed we have class in a hour"

"Was that really nessacery y/n" harry yawned and sat up "yes it was now if i don't see the both of u be up in the next ten mins you will know about.

Before i left i looked around the room to see everything messed up
"jesus u must of done it rough last night"

"y/n get out" draco threw i pillow at me but i closed the door just in time before it caught me.

me and draco made sure there was no one before harry sneaked out and went to potions class with my favorite teacher

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