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Falling for you was purple.

Purple like lavender, smelling like the garden of the house we moved out of. Like the place, where I spent the most of my childhood. Like sitting on the swing next to the lilac flowers, moving my feet up in the air, so that I felt closer to the sky. Sticking my tiny nose into the small spot, where they used to grow and enjoying the sound of the birds chirping above me, not a single care about the ants nibbling at my skin.

Purple like the scrunchie I'm still wearing to this day, that never left my wrist. Accompanying me in every situation, wherever I was. Making everything I wear seem a little bit more full of life, like feeling the soft material hugging my skin.

Purple like my old lava lamp, lighting up my room when I was still a little girl, planing on visiting space one day. Seeing all of the stars closer, maybe finding aliens and talking to them. It was like being able to dream of whatever I wanted to, dreaming of something more beautiful than I could imagine, even if it wasn't real.

Falling for you was purple.

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