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Getting to know you better was green.

Green like a plant slowly growing out of the soil after a cold winter. Looking small and weak at first, but growing with effort and love, getting bigger and bigger with time. Like turning it into something strong with the right treatment, making it bloom.

Green like the gummy bears I excitedly searched for when Mrs. Johnson, the kind lady from across the street, gave me a pack she had left over from Christmas. The feeling of joy, wanting to explore to find more gummy bears I liked, never getting enough of them, never losing the interest of finding new ones.

Green like the grass in our garden. Like the smell of fresh mown grass, barbecue and the loud voices of my family, the sound of laughter. Like being excited the whole day for this little moment, in which everything seems to be peaceful, finally letting you breathe.

Getting to know you better was green.

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