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Louis’ P.O.V

“I m here now” harry said in the most soothing tone ever.  “I m not going anywhere.”

“Promise?” I asked genuinely. He chuckled a bit and then replied “promise”

“Come on. Let’s get you to sleep.” He said while he leaned way from the hug and stared right into my eyes.

“O-okay” I stuttered again.

He started moving and I followed him until another lightning struck and I instantly grabbed his arm.

“Don’t worry.” He said and he put his own hand on mine. His hands were warm and soft, quite contradictory to mine, which were cold and wet.

Harry’s P.O.V.

His hands. His hands were all wet from the tears and cold. I kept on rubbing my thumb on his hands. I seemed to relax him a bit.

We reached the bed and Louis almost instantly went to sit, more like hide under the duvets. Even though the situation is quite wrong to state this, but he is literally the cutest when he acts all kiddish. The way his eyes widen and his voice softens to a new level of adorableness. It was just damn cute.

I stared at him, unintentionally, until he put on the bed motioning me to sit there. I threw my slippers off and sat on the bed with my legs under the duvet. He almost instantly, again, grabbed my arm and curled himself in a ball.

He held on to the arm for the next fifteen minutes with subsequent squeezes and loosening of the grip. I honestly loved how innocent he looked right now.

“I was 7” he began to say something after  a long sigh. “I was seven when I realized I was gay. And the first person I told that was my father: mark.” He paused and I felt my heart bet racing. He was finally opening up to me and now I was confused if I wanted to know about his past. For all I knew it was a bit horrifying.

He began again.

“We were in the park, you know the central park down the street near my home? We used to go there every Saturday for the whole afternoon and evening and had fun. Just me and dad. It was 16th September I guess. I knew I liked boys and I thought that dad would support me so I told him that afternoon.  He was spreading the sheet where we used to it. I told him without second thoughts and his face…” he paused agin, this time inhaling a shaky breath. I cuddled him in and rubbed his back as I knew it would be hard for him.

“… His face turned from the usual smiling one to a hard cold one.  He then asked me to go on the swing so I could jump and he could catch me, it was something we always did, even though mum hated it. But this day, when I jumped, he didn’t catch me harry, he just turned around and I fell. I fell so hard that one of my arms got seriously bruised. And he just smirked at me and said that people like me, deserved such behavior, such hurt. That day, I lost my only best friend and I never got him back...” he was crying by now and I could feel tears well up in my eyes too.

“Hey, you don’t have to tell me now, just relax and sleep.”

“No… you need to know… he began beating me, that to some hard beatings. Every day. Be it from a bat or from a wooden spoon. He just beat me till I cried my eyeballs off. And every day, he used to smile and laugh and spit on me as if I was not a human, but an animal. My sisters, fizz and Lottie, remained oblivious and I couldn’t tell them. Even Mum wouldn’t have found if one day she didn’t return home earlier, way earlier than usual, to surprise me. It was my birthday, my 8th birthday. She got me a new car set and instead of seeing me running to her arms, she saw me bleeding from my nose, legs and mouth and mark’s first’s, red with blood. There was a huge fight and mum filed for divorce the same evening. Mark suggested that they should leave me in an orphanage and live a happy life and that’s what urged mum to hit him. The fight got more and more physical until I stopped them. That was it. That was the last I saw of mark for the next ten years. Mum and I left the house that day and never came back, I mean mum never did. Lottie and fizz were taken in joint custody and mark got in jail for just a week before, being the successful man he is, he got himself out with the use of some of his money. He married Sara and had Drew and I and mum lived way from him, in doncaster. That’s my story, harry. And I had forgotten all about it until the accident. I had to come back to this hell hole. And you think after ten years, it would all be forgotten and stuff but I remember that day very well. That day I lost my friend and father, the day it all began. And the worst part of it all is that I still think that my dad is in there somewhere. I still think that one day, my dad would accept me that way I am and maybe, just maybe, we can talk again. I would still happily forgive him, and I know that it’s wrong of me to do so, to forgive someone who ruined my life, but that bond that we had was special harry. And yesterday, when my uncle called, he told me that fizz has been sking for me. I haven’t talked to her since I came here coz she went for a trip. I can’t just go back into her life, can I? She needs to trust mark and I don’t think if I tell her the truth she will…” he finished and his eyes finally met mine.

His eyes were now bloodshot red and I myself was crying. His body seemed so fragile than it did a few minutes before, as if knowing it all made him more broken than I thought he was. His face had a new kind of emotion that was unknown to me.

“Hey…” I whispered as I held his body tighter than before, but with a little more care, “don’t worry, as much messed up it seems right now, It would get alright. Just remember I am always here, always.” I spoke though I knew it wouldn’t help much. But to be honest, I was spellbound about what to say. What could I possibly say to heel those wounds that do not only show on his body but in his heart? What could I possibly say to make sure not to brake him more.

“Thanks harry. For staying.”

“Like I said Lou, always.”

“Could you… umm.. Sing? I would understand if you don want to but..”

“Would you mind if I say a poem?”

He simply nodded. His head was now resting on my chest, his whole body curled up and his eyes shut closed.

“Freedom and bravery is not when you go climb mountains
or cross a small road
or if you fight wars
to keep several hoard

It’s not when you cry in public
or laugh out loud
neither in standing up for yourself
nor in the clearance of your doubts

It is, according to me
allowance to be what one wants to be
because he who is brave,
 is free”

I finished and it was amusing how the words just fathomed themselves. I just spoke my mind out and somehow, my words supported me.

“That was beautiful harry” Louis said, in a sleepy voice as he yawned. Within a couple of minutes he was fast asleep and as much as I wanted to stay there for the night, all my excuses were over. The storm had ended and Louis was asleep. I carefully slid him down after a small kiss on his temple and left for my room, leaving him sleeping.

His face, even though tear stained seemed beautiful and to be enjoying the sleep after this long night of thunder and lightning.


Hey!! You missed me?

I hope you liked this chapter.

I m near the end guys, just five or six more chapters (long though) and this book will end.

I will post the acknowledgments before the final chapter and epilogue and all three will be posted on one Dy. So Thats that.

I am thinking of doing a character ask but I am not sure if you want it, though if you have any questions, ask and if I have enough questions, I will post the questions and answers in a separate book

Love ya kamini$

Ps. Poem is original so no stealing :)


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