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Louis’ P.O.V.

“You sure about this?” harry said and held my hand.

“I am.” I said and we both got out of the car. He locked the car while I went inside. After ringing the bell at least three times, I heard footsteps. . My heart raced at the speech of the bloody fastest thing in the world.

“Who is it?” fizz shouted from a little far behind the door.

“Louis.” I said.



I heard no response but soon the door opened and fizz hugged me. I hugged her back and I could feel her crying.

“Where have you been?” she asked, pulling back and wiping the tears and hitting me aimlessly. I let her hit me because I deserved it, to be honest.

“I have been at Harry’s” I said, pointing to harry who waved awkwardly as he stood behind me.

“This guy? He beat the shit out of dad the other day!”

“I know, but my I come in before any explanation?”

“Oh yeah, come on in.”

“Where’s dad?”

“Inside his room, playing with drew.”

“Could you get drew because I need to talk to him alone for some reason.”

“Alone?  Are you sure?” harry asked.

“I m haz, trust me. You can get to know fizz by then?”

“Why would I want to talk to him, considering he beat the shit out of dad?! Even you shouldn’t.” she whispered to me which made me chuckle.

“No conclusion before explanations. Okay? And he also happened to be my boyfriend so at least try…?”

“What?! You me a boyfriend?! Oh! We have a lot of catching up to do.”

“We have. But, after I talk to dad.”

“So I’ll get drew?”


Soon drew and fizz came out and I could feel that they told dad that I was here. My heart was beating faster than it ever did but I was going to be brave.

“Hey?” I said as I closed the door of the room, though my voice was not at its best. I coughed a bit to get the proper tone.

“Why are you here?” he said, rather softly.

“I am here to talk to you, and I would appreciate if you listened.”

“What makes you think I will?” he said, with the usual coldness.

“Because you’re my dad! My father!” I said, a bit loud which made him jerk.


“Okay. Hi!” I sighed, trying to regain the courage, “I m Louis Tomlinson. I happen to be your only son. I m gay, I sing and I also have a keen interest in song writing. I m an 18 year old boy and I m also a human. But you, dad, just took notice of the fact that I am gay. You never really thought of me as your son since the day I came out to you. You began hating me, beating me and all that because I was gay? You know what? That does not change me. That never changed me. I was and still am that little boy who loves talking to his father, who loves his mother and who cares for his sisters. Who sings, writes and who does what every normal boy does. Being gay does not change me. But you changed. You went from being my best friend to being a stranger. You went from the person I told everything to; to a person I hid half of my life from. You went from proud of me to being ashamed of me. You changed. Only you.. We love you dad, I mean I know I always did. The amount of hatred you showed me while I was younger or now just made me question myself, I never, however questioned you. You were my role model so it was but obvious that there must’ve been something wrong with me. It took me some time to realize that it wasn’t your fault, it was the society’s. Who, in their right mind ten years ago, would’ve accepted anyone gay? I mean it was okay and acceptable for you to be homophobic so that just lessens anyone’s fault. And what you did to me now, well the only justification I came up with was that sometimes in order to see your best times, you have to know your worst.  I still know that you love me, it’s a long shot to think about it but I know you do. Even if you do that point zero zero zero percent, you do. And that’s why both I and mum are giving you a try. A second chance if you may call it. I know that you are still my father and you know I am your son. I can never forget what you did to me but it was for the best. It made me who I m today. It was a phase of my life that could be called nothing but the worst but since I have had the worst times, all the other problems seem a little less. I have changed but as a human. And the main reason I wanted to talk to you is because I need my dad. I need my dad to teach me how to drive and to give me my first drink. I need him to go fishing with and have barbeque parties with him. I need my dad to support me in my new relationship and I need my dad to be there for me. It’s not gonna be easy dad, and we can’t just switch back to being us, but we can try. It’s like mum used to say, if there is even a little chance...”

Until. (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now