Chapter 4

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I havent heard from Chris for weeks. Its driving me crazy. He was the perfect distraction getting my mind off dad. Well good news is im able to visit my dad today and thats exactly what mom and i are going to do.

I throw on my sweatshirt and a pair of holey jeans. Its raining. I cant wait to see my father. Its been hard adjusting to his absence but maybe this visit the doctor will tell us hes getting better and can come home. I wander How chemo is treating him.

Mom drives us 10 minutes to the hospital where we get checked in and head to floor B room 12.

My anxiety kills me as we approach his room. The door is open showing hes available for visitors. We walk in seeing him in the first bed around the corner.

He didnt have hair. He was pale. He saw us and immediatly smiled.

"My beautiful ladies" He coos.

"Dad" i say hugging him tears begain to form in my eyes.

Mom hugs him after wards already crying.

"Im sorry I put this kinda stress on you soon as im better ill make it up to you.., hows the apartment have you heard from Jeremy?" My father asks.

"Oh Kevin, Im just happy youre okay, are you getting any better dear?" My mom asks with a smile. My dad ignores her question.

"Does Jeremy know yet?" My dad asks.

My mom shakes her head.

"Honey you have to tell him..hell be heart broken if he finds out on his own.." my dad sighs..

"I know i just...i dont want him to panick." My mother looks down at the floor.

"So have you heard anything dad?" I ask changing the akward subject.

"Ive barely heard from the nurse.. she says im not getting worse?" Dad frowns at mom.

The nurse comes in and smiles...she had long red hair that went down to her butt. She was short but not to skinny.

"Sorry, for interrupting but i need to check kevins blood pressure, i have to make sure there arent any blood clots." She smiles walking over to my dad with a wrist band thing.

After a few minutes shes already gone. My mom turns to me.

"Well Rylie, what do you say we go get home and get some dinner" She asks.

I look at dad, he just nods.

"Go ahead Rylie ill be okay.." he says with a reassuring nod.

Mom gives him a great hug.

"I love you Natalie i promise ill be home...please stop worrying...just look up for the better." My dad says.

My mom begains to sniffle.

"Rylie stay away from those boys...or ill have Jeremy on them because i cant be right now, I love you see you soon." My fathers says while i hug him. My eyes got a bit watery as well.

"Love you both and tell Jeremy i love him to.. even though he dosent know" dad says softly as we retreat from his room.


I look at my phone with a bit of hope...but nothing no text from Chris no call nothing...Amy hadnt even texted me yet but Jeremy did.

Hey sis sorry i havent responded in awhile we just arived back at the station with hope ill be home for christmas, i miss you guys..but is mom and dad okay? Mom hasnt answered my calls and i havent talked to date for the last everything okay? -Jeremy

Jeremy dosent even know... It hurts not telling him, but mom continues to let it happen she says its whats best. If i was in the military and my dad had cancer? Id wanna know right away.

The car ride to town was silent..and akward. I sat thinking of how to reply to Jeremy. I wanted to tell him.

"Mom, why..why dont you want to tell Jeremy? Id wanna know if dad was in the hospital with cancer...i be soo hurt if you didnt tell me.." i ask curiously.

"You know why Rylie stop asking dumb questions...ill tell him evetually.." my mom snaps at me.

"If you dont i will.. youve been ignoring his calls and he really wants to talk to dad.." i try to explain to her.

"If you say anything your phones getting taken away and im goona make sure you never see that boy again.

I put my head against the window.

"At least i care about how others

"Fine ill just run away then ..and im sure you wont tell eather dad or Jeremy that im gone."

"Pft okay Rylie ill help pack your bags when we get home and be sure to pack some sandwiches." My mom chuckles.

If i left mom wouldnt even notice. Shes to depressed to care anymore.

I decided to go out my window..maybe going out for a drive will clear my head..

I start up my truck and realise i still had a popped tire.

God Rylie youre soo stupid! Why did you lie to handsome boy!

Walking it is then. I begain to walk down the road.. looking at the dark mysterious houses surrounding me. Then i realises...i hadnt thought this threw...where was i going.....maybe i should turn around.. no i cant...i want to proove to mom how stupid she has become.

It was two miles into town. I have walked one...

When I reach the bakery i see a light is on. With hope I look closer only to see broken glass. Oh no. I think to myself. I take out my phone clicking the emergency call button but realising i have no service.

Its up to you Rylie. I edge closer to the broken window peering in. When suddenly i see the person who broke in. It was a man about 6'4. He wasnt looking at me. I brought up my camera to take a picture only to realise..

My flash was on.

He quickly turned around...his eyes a bright red for a split second.

"Well who do we have here?" he says walking in my direction.

I start running. He chases me.. down the street. Help i scream only to realise...this town is dead like the many houses near my house. I run into the woods. Only to trip over a root and land in a rose bush. Trying to calm my breathing. I get up in pain and quickly hide in some hedges shivering and scared. My shirt had almost fully ripped in half. Leaving me vulnerable from the waist up. stupid.

I feel someone grab my shoulders.

"Let go of me let go" I twist and turn and kick and scream.

"Rylie Rylie youre okay Rylie!" I hear a familiar voice.

"Its me its okay..Rylie i got you."

I look up at the person who holds me. My vision gets to blurry before i pair the voice with the face.

My image goes black.

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