Chapter 14 The Past, The Present and The Future

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Becka was now breathless when she arrived at the entrance. 

'I'm safe' she said to herself as she glanced at her watch.

She then breathe a sigh of relief as she had a minute to spare. 

No sooner had she done this, a red Ferrari F8 Tributo stopped suddenly where she was standing. She was a bit hesitant as she stared at him in disbelief. 

"Do you plan to stare at me for the whole day or will you get in?" he said while opening the door for her from the inside. 

Without further hesitation, she got in quickly and he then drove away.

They were driving for about 10 minutes now.

"Where are you taking me? We shouldn't be together, did you forget?" Becka said. 

 He pulled over suddenly.

"Get out" he said. 

"What?" Becka inquired as she stared at him flabbergasted by his request. 

He glanced over her body before removing his seat belt. He then got out of his car and walked around to her door. He opened it for her.

"I said get out" he said while using his head to gesture that she should step out of his car. 

She sat there frozen as she felt that her whole world was crashing down on her. 

He rolled his eyes at her defiance, but leaned over to unbuckle her seat belt and pulled her out of his car. When they were now face to face she flashed off his hand angrily.

"We can't be together so just hitch a ride back home" he said before walking off. 

"Zaire why are you doing this to me?!"Becka exclaimed.

He smirked in triumph as he returned to where she was standing.

"We are not a couple so there is no reason for me to treat you nicely right?" Zaire said. 

He was about to walk off again when she held onto his hand.

 "What about my grades?" she inquired. 

"Ah.... Your grades... I think it's best if you transferred to a new University because you will eventually lose your scholarship" he said while removing her hands. 

Becka fell to the ground and started to cry. 

"That won't work on me again" Zaire said before walking off once more.

He then got into his car and drove away. Becka continued to cry as she watch his car going further and further away until it was out of sight.

 'Did he really resent me that much?' she thought as she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket.

She dried the tears from her eyes and unlocked her phone. She had received a message from Zaire's new number, the message read: 

 'If you're still interested in getting back your grades, I have 1 condition. 


 Give me your answer before the end of the day 😈😈😈.'

She put the phone in her pocket while staring at the lonely highway and wondered how she would get home now.  She didn't want to call her aunt as she would just panic and asking her friends for help was the beginning of a great disaster.  She was there calculating how long it would take her to walk home when she saw a callbox. 

'I could let the emergency team take me home' she thought to herself.

Just then, a black Range Rover stopped where she was standing.

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