Chapter 10 Becka's POV

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Payeton was elated as she screamed and started to jump for joy while holding my hands. However, Kaesann and Tyler were not exactly sold on the sincere matter as they thought that with this much power, Zaire could've easily manipulated the crowd to put my mind at ease until he got what he wanted. 

"Don't be fooled by this stunt. He's just improvising because things didn't go as planned. If you don't believe me then why did he wait this long to announce you as his official girlfriend? Always remember that even though he seems calm next to you, he's still a wolf in disguise" Kaesann spoke up. 

"A wolf? To be more precise he's a lion pretending to be a mere cat" Tyler scoffed as he turned to face me.

"Are you guys still against their relationship? I can't believe you two! What more do you need to see that he acknowledges Becka? I agree that it came a little late, but don't you think that if Becka was a mere fling, he would've chose Amber instead of her in front of the whole school?" Payeton lashed out at them. 

 I just shook my head at them as sometimes I wondered if Payeton was the only one that understood me. She was the only one that figured out without me telling her or trying to convince her that he was the real deal. 

"Guys stop! Let's be rational here. I know you hate him and you have your doubts about him and that's fine. But you know me, isn't that enough for you guys to trust me?" I said while trying to appeal to their emotions.

"I can't believe that you're willing to put everything behind you because he announces that you're his official girlfriend! Is being next to him really worth your pride?" Tyler lashed out before storming off. 

"Is being with Zaire really worth your friendship with Tyler?" Kaesann scoffed before hurrying to find Tyler. 

"Why did they have to put it like that?! Becka don't listen to them ok. Tyler is just jealous and Kaesann........I don't know what's her problem" Payeton said while using her hands to cover my ears.

For the whole day, everyone (teachers and students) were extra nice to us, I guess they really understood that Zaire was being serious. However, what I found very funny was Tyler and Kaesann. 

Although they hated Zaire, they didn't have an issue with making use of the new perks they were exposed to because of him. I was secretly searching all over for him, but Zaire and Amber were nowhere to be seen. 

I overheard a group of seniors talking in the bathroom that Amber was planning to take a leave of absence, but Zaire offered to be her personal S.O.B (Send out Boy) instead. Well, they didn't exactly say it that way, but that was my interpretation as he was doing everything for her.

We were now officially on the 11 grade block and even though we were new, we were treated like we were the top ranked seniors thanks to Zaire's orders. It took a lot of adjusting and trying to get used to the teachers and the students.

 But what I hated the most was, I was deprived of my authentic trial and error experiences of navigating this new world on my own. Everyone was just nice, I couldn't really differentiate if it was out of respect or fear and I hated that. 

I felt uneasy at times as if I accidentally bumped into anyone, before I could apologize, they would apologize to me instead. I just wanted to be treated equally without the inferior and superior lines being drawn.

One week had now passed and it was official that Zaire applied for a leave of absence for both himself and Amber. What made matters even more complicated was that there were now many theories being circulated around the school of what they think happened.

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