Chapter 20 The Rainbow after the Storm

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"Is anyone there? Help! Help!" Kelsia continued to shout.

 She then took out her phone and dialed the school's emergency hotline. 

A few students had now gathered when they heard the screams and just like that, they started to video and take pictures.

 "Hello, is anyone there?.......

Yes a pregnant girl fell down the staircase..... 

She's bleeding badly!" she said.

Kelsia then put down her phone and felt Becka's pulse as she had hit her head and gone unconscious. 

"I'm currently at the graduation committee building on the second floor" she continued before hanging up.

More students had now gathered and offered their assistance in any way they could when the ambulance arrived. The Paramedics lifted her quickly and placed her on the bed as they hurried to take her back to the ambulance. 

"Who is her guardian?!" one paramedic called out. 

"I am!" Kelsia called out while raising her hand as calls to Zaire's phone went unanswered. 

The whole journey to the hospital she sat in the back with her hands shaking as she knew how serious the situation with Becka was.


"Zaire! Zaire!" they heard the students calling from outside the committee meeting room. 

When they entered the room, they ran up to him now breathless. 

"Why are you guys shouting my name? Did I give you permission to do that?" Zaire inquired as he was already annoyed by their presence. 

"It's Becka!" one of them managed to shout. 

"What about Becka?" he asked with some urgency in his voice. 

Someone from the crowd handed him their phone to take a look. By now Payeton, Kaesann and Tyler had now dropped what they were doing and gathered around Zaire. 

As he played the video the phone fell from his hands as he saw Becka lying on the floor with blood streaming down her legs and Kelsia calling for help.

Zaire felt his legs beginning to buckle as the strength in them gave way suddenly. Tyler held onto him quickly and undergirded him as he saw him stumbling. 

"Where is your car? I will drive!" Kaesann exclaimed with some urgency in her voice. 

As they made their way to the car, Payeton informed Scott and told him to inform their families.

"When I find out which hospital I will let you know" she told him before hanging up. 

Payeton and Tyler sat in the backseats while Zaire sat in the passenger seat. 

"You know I can drive my own car right?" Zaire said as Kaesann cruised ahead. 

"I know but I need you to relax right now" she retorted. 

His phone was on silent as that was a rule for the graduation committee, but that didn't matter because he had left it in his car, so he felt responsible. When he unlocked it, he had over fifty missed calls from Kelsia and other strange numbers. 

There were also a number of voice messages. Just as he was about to listen to one, his phone began to ring. 

"Where are you?.......

I'm on my way.........

What's the situation like?........

Have they stabilized her?........

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