Best Friend's Brother

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Everyday starts the same, forcing myself out of bed to get ready for the day ahead. I'm always late for my first lesson, Potions class with professor Snape, he hates me. To be fair I'm always late to his lesson or on a few occasions missed the lesson completely from oversleeping. My bad. As I rolled over to go back to sleep (yes I know I should get up but merh) there is a huge bang at my door sending me jolting out of my bed. I knew it's my friends making sure I am up. Well I'm up I better just get dressed into my uniform and head to class, I looked over at my neatly folded clothes on the chair from the night before, I chucked on my black skater skirt that's just shy off knee high, my white blouse and grey cardigan, to finish off we wear our house colours. There's 4 houses in this school, the sorting hat takes the traits we have and places us in a house that would bring out the best of us. They each have their own traits, colours and are represented by a different elements and animals.

Ravenclaw House prizes learning, wisdom, wit, and intellect in its members. Many of the Ravenclaw students tend to be academically motivated and talented. They also pride themselves on being original in their ideas, and methods. Their house colours are blue and bronze along with their house emblematic animal symbol the Eagle. The colours represent the sky and eagle feathers respectively, both having much to do with element Air.

Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses; valuing hard work, dedication, patience, and loyalty. Hufflepuffs are not as competitive as the other houses, and are more modest about their accomplishments. Their house colours are yellow and black along with their house emblematic animal symbol the Badger. Students sorted into Hufflepuff often demonstrate exceptional abilities in Herbology, that's why their element is Earth. 

The Gryffindor house emphasises the traits of courage as well as daring, nerve and chivalry. It's members are generally regarded as brave, though sometimes to the point of recklessness. Some Gryffindors have also been noted to be short-tempered. Their house colours are gold and red along with their house emblematic animal symbol the Lion. Gryffindor corresponds to the element of Fire, and it is for this reason that the colours Red and gold were chosen to represent the house.

The last house is Slytherins, they tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. They also have highly developed senses of self-preservation. This means that Slytherins tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done. Their house colours are green and silver along with their house emblematic animal symbol a Snake. The colours for Slytherin's correspond with waters around lakes and lochs often being green, and silver being often associated with grey rainwater hence why they are the element of Water. 

I swear every Slytherin are evil little snakes, I mean except for my best friend Skylar, she's an exception. You can guess that I'm not Slytherin, I'm actually a Gryffindor. I am kind of gutted me and Skylar aren't in the same house but that doesn't stop us from being friends, I looked in the mirror placing my tie and robe on then finishing the look by chucking my long curly black hair up in ponytail before pegging it out of my dorm towards Potion class which I was obviously late for, nothing changes. I burst through the classroom door, causing everyone to stop and stare at me, a few of them giggling amongst themselves until Professor Snape approached me. "Miss Thomas, you're late again" he stood in front of me, arms crossed, his black robe draping down to the ground dragging along the floor as he marches around catching anyone doing something they shouldn't be doing. He has a hooked nose, greasy black hair flowing down to his shoulders, and his lips are so thin but still showed off his yellow uneven teeth. "I'm sorry Professor, I will be on time tomorrow" I avoided eye contact as he scoffed walking away, I looked around the class, the only space left is next to a Slytherin, I really don't want to sit there "Miss Thomas, take your seat" Snape bellowed sending me to jump into the empty seat. Snape gave me a stern look of anger before beginning the lesson "Now that everyone is ready" he shot another look at me making me cower into my seat "The seats your in, will be yours until the end of the year. Now let's begin with the Felix Felicis potion. Who knows what this potion is?" A hand shot up from the table across from me, it was Hermione, of course she's so smart, her hand is always up whenever a teacher asks a question. Hermione is a Gryffindor like me, although I still think she should have been a Ravenclaw. Hermione is one of my close friends, she always has light brown untameable, frizzy hair down to her shoulders. She has this kind of bossy attitude but hell she could get you to do anything when she gave you that stern death look but she is absolutely beautiful, she's muggle born but in my opinion she's the one of the best witches I've ever met, always has her head in a book. "It's a luck potion, Felix is Latin for happy or lucky and Felicis is from the same root, but declined in the genitive case" Snape nodded his head in agreement before continuing. I couldn't concentrate with Slytherin's daddy's boy Draco Malfoy eyeing me up and down. "Can I help you?" I whispered hoping not to get caught by Snape "How's my favourite troublemaker" he smirked leaning followed on the table looking at me with his crystal blue eyes, his snow white hair always gelled perfectly to the side, he has a pale complexion and rather sharp, pointed features. Draco is the school troublemaker for some odd reason all the girls fall for him, his little charms thinking he's god's gift to women, I mean he's good looking not going say he's not but no one wants a bully, it's a horrible trait to have, making others miserable for your own amusement. "Can you stop staring, I'm trying to listen" Draco leaned in closer smirking "Am I distracting you trouble?" I jolted my head towards him, pushing him back into his seat "First off stop staring, some of us actually want to learn and second off shut up, before I get your sister to kick your arse" Oh did I forget to mention Draco is Skylar's brother.. Yeah poor Skylar right. I sat back in my seat continuing to write down the lesson, Draco chuckled looking towards the front of the classroom. 

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