Best Friend's Brother

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The light of dawn seeped into my room. I rubbed my bleary eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky. The sun poured through my window. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations. I hope today is a good day, I'm so nervous about what the day brings. I mean I'm up way before my lesson with Professor Snape. Thank god. I had the weirdest dream of Draco, he kissed me.. yuck!! I shook my head in disgust grabbing my uniform from the wardrobe, every time I put the uniform on it makes me feel proud to be a witch, learning from the best professor's in any school, plus it saved me from being Stacey's and her dad's little slave. I finished off the look, chucking my hair up into a pony tail, grabbing my books heading into the Common Room to be greeted by Fred, Ron and Hermione. "OMG!! Olivia is up and ready before lessons start!! Am I still asleep?" Ron preceded to pinch his arm in an act to wake himself up "Very funny Ron" I took a seat on the red squashy armchair next to Fred. The Common Room is a circular room where students can relax after a long day of studying. It is full of red squashy armchairs, and wooden tables are a rainbow in brown, the common room is decorated in several shades of red, which is associated with the house. There are many windows that look out onto the grounds of the school, and a large fireplace dominates one wall, the mantle of the fireplace is adorned with a portrait of a lion. The walls are decorated with scarlet tapestries that depict witches and wizards, but also various animals. There are also bookcases located in the room, filled with various novels. "Did someone not get enough sleep last night?" Fred placed his arm on my shoulders, as he leant back in the chair "I don't even know what sleep is right now" they looked at each other concerned, Harry appeared from the corner of the room smiling from ear to ear. "Hey gu- Liv? Your up?" "You guys make it seem I never leave my bed" I moaned snuggling into Fred's chest. God this boy makes me feel safe, I love listening to his heart beating to his own tune. "Harry looks like he's in a good mood... Did you two sleep together, is that why your tired?" I shot up at Fred's question "God no!!" I hissed, Fred laughed pulling me back into a cuddle wrapping his arms around my waist "I think someone is tired, she's very snappy this morning" he whispered slyly pointing down at me "I can still hear you" I'd walk off but I am so comfy right now, I could sleep for days. "You guys ready for class?" Hermione jumped off the edge of the seat gesturing towards the door "Yeah, let's go Liv" I groaned snuggling deeper into Fred's chest "But I'm comfy, please don't make me leave" Fred kissed my forehead before lifting me to my feet "Fine, but I'll be back" I grinned following the others out of the door. Ron and Hermione walked ahead leaving me to walk with Harry "Hey, I wanted to thank you" "Harry you seem to thank me a lot at the moment" he chimed in giggling a long "Sky is going on a date with me this Saturday, it's all thanks to you" I couldn't contain my excitement as I jumped into a hug only to be interrupted by someone coughing "Get a room dorks!!" Stacey barged past us, knocking me to the floor "You know one day I'm going to knock her off that high horse then step on her head" Harry looked at me in shock "How long have you wanted to do that?" Harry smiled helping me off the floor "It's my favourite dream, if she carries on I'll make it a reality" he clapped his hands nervously "Looks like class is going to be interesting" we both chuckled walking through the door. 

The classroom is large enough room to allow at least twenty students to work and its walls were lined with pickled animals in glass jars. In one corner of the room stood a basin into which ice-cold water poured from a gargoyle's mouth, while in another corner is a student supply cupboard. There is also a blackboard on which Snape could write the class's instructions. The room was especially cold, particularly in the winter when students were able to see their own breath. I took my seat next to Draco watching Skylar walk across the room to her seat next to Harry, she displayed the same dreamy look Harry had this morning. "Hey trouble" I shot a look at Draco who is already looking at me "Please not today, I'm so tired to play any games." Everyone fell quiet as Snape walked through the door, he sat down at his desk ready to do register, he preceded to go through each student's name as they said here, as it got close to mine he skipped it marking the sheet "Uhh Sir? You missed my name?" Snape looked up at me not showing any emotion before marking the sheet once again. Snape walked to the blackboard writing down 'Pepperup Potion'  he turned to class "Who can tell me what Pepperup Potion does?" Hermione raised her hand as usual but I knew the answer so why not give it a shot, I quietly raised my hand catching the eyes of the room as they all turned to look at me "Go on then Miss Thomas, what is it?" Hermione lowered her arm almost in defeat "Pepperup Potion is used for the common cold, it has the side-effect of causing steam to come out of the drinker's ears for several hours after it is consumed" everyone began to mutter amongst themselves "And what's the ingredients?" He took a step forward narrowing his eyes down at me "Umm.. Bicorn horn and Mandrake root" I proudly sat up straight, I actually answered a question and got it right. I'm so proud of myself right now not that Snape feels the same as he turns his back on me and begins to teach.

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