Best Friend's Brother

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The day dragged, Professor Dumbledore called everyone into the hall, we all sat at our house tables, I sat in between George and Fred with Harry, Hermione and Ron sat across from us, Fred placed his hand on my thigh, rubbing little circles with his thumb. I watch as Dumbledore slowly pulls himself up off his chair, walking to the podium in the centre of the stage at the tops of our tables. "Quiet down" his voice echoed throughout the hall hushing everyone until there is silence. I love Dumbledore, he's so kind hearted and wise after my mother died, he sent me a gift basket and regularly checks in with me to make sure I'm doing ok. I can't help but watch his long silver robe get dragged along the floor as he walks and his neatly brushed long white beard that goes all the way down his chest. "Everyone, I have called you all here to welcome our new student. Miss Heather James" Everyone looked at the back of the hall, young beautiful girl confidently strolls down to the stage, she's smiling at everyone as she got closer to us Fred removed his hand, her smile grew bigger when she saw Fred, I watched Fred as he is watching her, his eyes gleamed, he's never looked at me like that. "Let's get you sorted into a house" Dumbledore gesturing towards the wooden stool next to him with a brown rugged hat on top, she took a seat placing the hat on her head "There's no doubt about it, you belong in-" I couldn't take my eyes of Fred, he's mesmerised by her like he knows her. I felt Georges arm reach around me, trying to comfort me "Gryffindor" the whole table cheered as she came over sitting in between me and Fred. "Hey Freddie, long time" I awkwardly sat there staring at the back of this girls head. "Sorry how rude of me, I'm Heather. Fred and I use to date, shame you left to come here but I'm sure we can pick up from where we last left it" she winked giggling at him, he chuckled back unaware of my presence again, he has a habit of not telling people we are together. Dumbledore dismiss us, Heather shot up reaching her hand out to Fred "Come on, you can show me around" he smiled following her out of the hall. My heart shattered, he's walked out on me again. I can't keep doing this, clearly he doesn't want to be with me, I mean the way he looks at her is the way I would love for him to look at me like. I sat speechless as Skylar came over to our table "Whose the new girl?" Skylar sat down next to Harry, kissing his cheek. "Umm.. Heather is Fred's ex girlfriend, they dated for years. It was pretty serious, they was in love but they ended it during the summer because they barely had any time to spend together" George kicked Ron to stop talking "Liv, it's not like that anymore. He really likes you" I look down at the table "If he liked me, he wouldn't keep abandoning me when a girl whistles for him to come. Look I need to go, it's getting to crowded in here" I quickly shot up and out of the hall doors into Fred, I avoided eye contact as tears fell down, I tried to push past but he stood like a wall not letting me pass "Liv? What's wrong?" I wiped my face, looking up at him "Guess your word means shit huh" he looks at me shocked "What?" I pushed past ignoring him as he shouted my name, I just want to leave this situation. 

I walked around the castle ending up at the waterfall, I sat on the floor taking in the scenery, footsteps approached I turn to see Fred awkwardly standing behind me "Hey" I sigh turning back to the water "Hey" he sat down next to me "This is a nice place, no wonder you keep coming here" I look down at my hands playing with my skirt "This is ending isn't it?" he looked at me shocked "Wait what?" "Fred, I saw the way you looked at her, she's beautiful. I can't compete with that" he moved to face me "Shut up your stunning and I do really like you but-" "But you still love her" he sighed looking down at his hands "Liv, I'm sorry but I have to follow my heart" I sigh looking at him "I think a part of us both knew this wasn't going to work, you still love Heather" "Just like you love Draco" I everted my gaze to the water "No, I don't" Fred moved my face to meet his gaze "Oh come on, I've seen you two together. Clearly something is going on stop pretending" I am furious, my blood is boiling "Fred, I never pretended. I never got with knowing I had feelings for someone else, you was all I wanted just a shame you don't feel the same" "Liv that's not fair" I snap back looking at him "Fair? What's fair about any of this? Was I just someone to get you over the girl your in love with? A rebound?" I look back at my hands "You should go find Heather, I just want to be on my own right now" "Liv.. I... I'm sorry, I wish I could change how I feel but-" "Fred leave, I want to be alone right now" Fred got up leaving me on my own, I just stared at the water for hours until another set of footsteps appeared behind me. "Hey trouble, what are you doing here?" I wipe my face turning to Draco "Hey, what's wrong?" he quickly rushed sitting next to me, pulling me in for a hug. "Fred and I broke up" "What? Why?" I wrapped my arms around his waist "He loves someone else-" "That son of bitch" I could feel Draco getting angry, as he went to stand up I pulled him back down "Draco, please just don't leave me" he calmed down hugging me back "I'm so sorry Liv" I shrug "It's fine, I was stupid to think someone would actually like me" he snaps "Are you insane? Liv your amazing, any guy would be lucky to have a girl like you by their side" I tighten my grasp around his waist sobbing quietly "Hey, it's okay. I've got you" I feel him kiss my forehead stroking my back. "Draco do you think people who are friend's ever work out in relationships?" I look up at him, my eyes puffy and red "What you mean?" he wipes my face gently, I sigh "Do you think friend's can ever be more than friend's?" I sit up still looking at him "I'm not sure honestly, there's so much to put in account when you like someone your friends with, don't you think?" I bite my lip looking away "Yeah I guess so" he pulled my face towards him "Why did you ask? you in love with your friend?" I sat up looking at the water "No, course not. " I look away again as he sighed "Oh.. It's not Potter is it?" I laugh "Your such a jackass, it's no one I'm just asking a question" we laughing watching the sunset disappear behind the waterfall, the way the moon perfectly sat in the sky with stars surrounding it made me feel so much calmer. "Let's get back before we get into more trouble, think we need a good horror" I smiled grabbing Draco's hand to help me off the floor. "I think Fred is an idiot for letting you go, your amazing" I smiled still holding on to his hand "Careful mister Malfoy, someone may accuse you of having feelings for me" I wink walking away, he laughed catching up to me "I'll race you" he ran past me as fast as he could "Cheater" I yelled chasing after him. We got to the Gryffindor Common room, we headed inside seeing everyone sat on the couch looking at Fred angrily "Liv, you okay?" Sky runs over hugging me tightly, I smile "Yeah, I'm fine. What's going on?" Fred huffs "They are given me shit for talking to Heather" I exhaled quietly "Guys, leave it. He can do what he wants" they all look at me confused "But Liv?" "Sky it's fine, I don't care what he does with his life" Fred turns to me "I'd never internationally hurt you Liv but this is such a shitty position I'm in" I look up at him "Please stay away from me, I can't do this right now" I turn back to the group eyes begin to swell up once again "Ok, were going to watch a movie. Whose coming?" Skylar smiled at Harry nodding "Were in" the rest of the group shook their heads "Okay, let's go" Skylar and Harry walks off to my room, I turn back to Draco "Dude, come on" he looked at me confused "Oh yeah.. Um.. okay" I watch him awkwardly smile, walking behind me. 

Harry and Sky are cuddled up at the bottom of my bed "Liv, you okay?" I shake my head flopping onto the bed. "Liv we can go if you want to be alone" I reach for Skylar's hand "Please stay" she nods, I watch Draco jump on the floor "Dude, what's wrong with you? When do you ever sit on the floor to watch a movie with me? Come on, I need someone to protect me" we all laughed "Your such a baby" I nod walking into the bathroom to get changed into my pajamas, a white silk vest top and matching shorts to go with. "Okay, let's start this" I press play for Annabelle, I got under the covers watching the open credits. Draco sat stiff on the edge of the bed, he's being weird don't know what his problem is today, I reach over pulling him to the space next to me, he resisted eventually giving up and getting into the bed next to me. "Are you ok?" I whisper to Draco "Yeah I'm good, don't worry about it" I scrunch my face knowing full well something is bothering him. Every time there is a jump scare, I grab Draco's hand squeezing it tightly, eventually I am hugging him covering my face with my hand, moving my fingers slightly to watch the movie.

The movie ended, Harry and Skylar got up and left. I turn to Draco smiling "So what's your deal dork?" he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck "Nothing trouble" he smiled jumping off the bed "Where you going?" I sat up watching him put on his shoes "It's late, you should go to bed" "Please stay with me, I don't want to be on my own right now" I pout giving him the puppy dog face "I hate when you do that face, I can't say no to that face" I smile shaking my head "No, you can't so come on" he takes his shoes off again, climbing into bed I chuck the covers over him, turning over to go to sleep. I can feel the heat between his body and mine, he's so close yet so far away. My mind is racing over what Fred said, there's no way I could have feelings for Draco, he's a little dickhead but he is one of my best friend's and he always cheers me up no matter what the problem is. I'm just overthinking for no reason, he's just a mate that's all. "Hey Liv?" Draco whispered interrupting my thoughts, I turn back over to face him "What's up?" he is facing the ceiling motionless until finally turning over to face me. "Do you think friend's can ever be more?" I bite my lip nervously "I have no idea, everyone says that their soulmate is like their best friend but like you said there's so much risk when dating someone your friend's with. I mean take me and Fred for example, we were best friend's before, started dating and now... I.." I stutter trying to hold back my tears. "Liv, you okay?" Draco sits up looking down at me "I've lost my best friend" I sat up tears streaming down my cheeks "I'm sure you and Fred will be friend's again" I shook my head "I was so nasty to him, he can't help how he feels... I-" "Ok Liv, you need to calm down before you send yourself into an anxiety attack again.. Come here" I nod climbing into Draco's arms, he stroked my head shushing me as I quietly sobbed until eventually I fell asleep.

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