Best Friend's Brother

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I woke up to the birds chirping outside my window, it's Saturday which means I don't have to leave my dorm room and deal with the questions everyone must have. I roll over to my other side, feeling warm air being blown into my face, I slowly opened my eyes to see Draco fast asleep. He's kind of cute when he's sleeping, looks so peaceful and innocent far from the reality, although he winds me up and gets me into trouble, he is a good guy deep down. Draco yawns, stretching his arms out looking at me "You watching me sleep you pervert?" he smirks, rubbing his eyes "I was just thinking how easy it would be to smother you with a pillow right now" I laugh "Talk to me after you've brushed your teeth" I roll my eyes, hitting him with a pillow "I'm joking, jeez" he laughs throwing the pillow on the floor. "My pillow, I need that" I sat up looking at the pillow on the floor "What do you need it for?" I smirk "To kill you of course" I quickly dive out of the bed towards the pillow, Draco grabbed my foot yanking me back "Let me go!!" I turn my body to face him, the way he is laid looks very dodgy if someone walks in "You wouldn't kill me trouble, you'd miss me" I sat up thinking for a moment "Your right, I might miss you a little bit" he smiled "Let's test the theory and see how I feel afterwards" I lunge for the pillow, picking it up off the floor slowly creeping towards Draco sat up in my bed "You wouldn't dare" I smirk "Try me" I jump on top of him holding the pillow in my hand "You know if anyone walks in, they are going to think something very dodgy" I look down at where I am sitting, he's right, I'm sat on his lap like we are about to do something stupid. I awkwardly climb off him, placing the pillow underneath me as I lay down "What's your plans today?" I look up at Draco as he sat back up "I'm not leaving my room today" "Why because he's trying it with another girl" I bite my lip sitting up "I could never stand in the way of love, it's just not who I am but he was in my bed yesterday now he's in someone else's. This whole situation is awful, I feel like I have to avoid him because I can't look at him with out feeling hurt, it's not even over the fact he loves someone else it's because I've lost my best friend now, nothing will ever be the same between us again"  I feel my eyes swell up as tears rolled down my cheek, he rubbed the back of his neck "Liv, please don't cry" he pulls me in for a cuddle as I quietly sobbed into his chest. The door swings open, Skylar stood smiling at us then concerned, her outfit is beautiful. She's wearing her signature black ripped jeans, white low cute vest top and nude heels, she's wearing a red jacket which I'm assuming is Harry's "Babe, are you okay?" I shake my head "Awh my baby, come here" I move from Draco's arms to Skylars "I've got you, it's going to be ok" I could feel her moving her mouth like she's mouthing to Draco. "Hey me, Harry, Ron and Hermione are thinking of going to the cabin for drinks tonight, you guys in? Gets you out of here for the night" I glance at Draco who did the same thing "Come on trouble it's better than staying in your room all weekend" I smile "Yeah sure, when you leaving?" she looked down at her phone then back up at us "About an hour, so get packing. We'll come back Sunday night" I nod pulling away, Draco put his shoes on heading out of the door. "Liv?" I look up at Sky "I'm sorry for what's happened with Fred but please don't do anything stupid because your upset" I know she's talking about Draco "Okay, I have to go but I'll see you outside" I watch Skylar leave the room, I got up walking into the bathroom brushing my teeth before grabbing an outfit, I'm thinking black leggings, my brown oversized cardigan, black bralet and my brown wedged boots. Perfect. I pack an outfit in my bag, my book, charger, I look into the mirror placing my hair into a messy bun, letting a few curls fall out, I put on a bit of mascara and light red lipstick. Done. I grab my bag about to head out of the door but something caught my eye, it's Fred's jumper he gave me on bonfire night. I sigh picking it up, I'll just leave it in his room hopefully he won't be in there. Thankfully he isn't, I place it down on his neatly made bed walking into the common room to see George and Fred sitting on the couch. "Hey Liv, you okay?" I nod at George avoiding Fred's eye contact. George jumps up walking towards me "Come with me a moment" I nod following him into my room "I'm sorry about Fred" I shrug looking down at the ground "George I'm not upset that he chose someone else, I'm upset because I've lost my best friend. We will never be the same again, I don't know what to do" He sighs hugging me tightly "Go have fun tonight, I'll see you tomorrow" I wipe away my tears following him into the common room. Draco walks in wearing black jeans, white t-shirt, a green and black checked shirt on top and black vans, "You ready Liv?" I nod, waving goodbye to George.

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