Best Friends Brother

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It's the day of the Winter ball, I don't have a date or a dress plus with what happened last night my head is spinning, I don't even think I'll enjoy myself. I have to tell everyone before I start to show... yeah I'm pregnant, Madame Pomfrey think's I'm about 7 weeks gone at least I know it's not Fred's just going to be more drama now, Skylar will never forgive me. I can't do it tonight, they should enjoy their night with out any drama, they deserve that. 

I woke up to see Skylar and Hermione standing over my bed, they aren't in their uniforms. Hermione is dressed in black leggings, a baggy pink t-shirt that has a knot to tighten it in the bottom left hand corner and her black and pink vans, her hair up in a loose bun so it's off her face. Skylar is wearing her black shorts, red tight fitted vest top and her black and red trainers, her hair is up in a high ponytail showing off her jawline. "What the hell you guys?" I rub my eyes looking up at them "It's the day of the winter ball... you promised you'd help me set up" Skylar begins to pout sitting down on the edge of my bed "Ok, ok. I'm up, go find me an outfit while I have a shower" I jump out of bed heading into the bathroom, I turn the shower waiting for it to heat up staring at myself in the mirror "Ok Liv, you've got this. Tomorrow you will tell everyone the truth and accept what ever punishment they see fit. You started this, you must end it. We'll keep the whole in love with Draco part a secret especially with him not feeling the same way... Kind of a bummer but that's life, you were irresponsible so deal with your shit" I inhaled slowly exhaling stepping into the shower, this is why I love Hermione she's upfront and brutally honest, that's the kind of mate you need in your life especially when you do stupid things. Once I came out the girls lined up a cute outfit for me on my bed, my knitted grey shorts with matching white crop top (good thing I'm not showing yet) with my white vans, I decided to put my hair into 2 French braids, Skylar insisted on doing them so I sat on the floor patiently as she did my hair. "I love doing French braids in your hair, it's so long and dark. Your kids are going to be beautiful one day" I gulp knowing full well that day will be coming soon "I've always wanted a sister to do these things with but instead I got a best friend, your so much better" Skylar smiles tying the last braid into a bobble "Beautiful. Now let's get going" I jump to my feet following the girls out of the room, the boys are all sat on the couch "Have fun ladies" Harry waves us goodbye along with the rest of the group.

The decorations are perfect, Skylar really has done an amazing job this year. The hall has this warm wintery feel to it, the candles that usually float in the hall are now light blue icicles dangling down. There's four round tables for the different houses each have an ice sculpture of their house animals on top is a silver sparkly table cloth to go with the silver velvet small stools placed around the table for people to sit on, to finish the tables off are little snowflakes scattered around. There's two other tables that look like they've been frozen over, one has a variety of buffet food with an ice sculpture of Hogwarts in the middle, the other table has the same ice sculpture in the middle but with drinks in potion bottles placed around it. At the top of the hall are three big white lit up Christmas tree's in front of them is a small stage with stands in a line for Professor Flitwick's orchestra to play music for the students to dance on the white dancefloor in front of the stage. To tie the room together we hung silver sparkly drapes going down each wall to give it that wintery feeling, Skylar said there's a surprise for when the students are dancing but I don't think I'll be there to see it.

Skylar hugs Hermione and I "Thank you guys so much, this is so much better than I could ever imagine" she pulls away taking one last look around the hall. " Ok, let's go get ready" Sky squealed following Hermione out of the hall, I sigh taking a seat on one of the seats as I look around my vision becomes blurred, I blink letting a few tears escape my eyes sliding down my cheeks. "Olivia?" I turn my attention to see Fred looking down at me with a concerned look on his face "Hey, what's wrong kid?" I watch as he takes a seat next to me pulling me into a hug "Nothing" I lie, hoping he won't question me. "Oh I see your face is just leaking" he chuckles pulling away to wipe away a tear on my cheek with his thumb "Aren't you supposed to be getting ready with the girls?" I look down at my hands fiddling with my fingers "I'm not going." I bite my lip focusing on my fingers "Why not?" he lifts my chin up so I'm looking at him "I don't dress or a date plus with all the drama at the moment I don't think I should go" he sighs pulling me in for a hug once again "How long have you known?" my heart is beating out of my chest, does he know I'm pregnant? I pull away nervously "Wha... I don't know what you mean?" I stutter, he defiantly knows. "Liv, I know you too well. this whole thing with Draco may have started off as fun but you fell for him" I laugh "It's stupid right, the one guy I can't have I fall for. I ended things to avoid the drama but it's too late no matter what I say, Sky will never forgive me, I'll lose everyone." Tears form in my eyes begging to escape down my cheeks, I blink releasing them "Kid, there won't be any drama and Sky could never hate you. I mean I'm not going to tell her and Hermione is such a good friend to keep your secret even though she told me but I'm annoying, you know I will pester someone until they crack if they know why your sad. Everything will be fine" I shake my head looking away from him. "It's not going to be fine, I have to tell her before she finds out in a couple of months" Fred scratches the back of his neck "I don't understand why you have to tell her if it's going to cause hurt ever-" he pauses thinking then it clicks like a lightbulb switched on "Unless you have to tell everyone because your.. Pregnant? Oh my god... Holy shit... It all makes sense now, you feeling ill this week an-" he pauses again getting angry this time "I'll kill him" I grab his hands begging him to stay sitting "It's not his fault. This is karma for going behind everyone's back for months" he sighs pulling me into a hug "Oh baby girl, what mess have you got yourself into" I start to sob into his chest "What do I do?" he soothes me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "Let's get you back to your room, ok?" I nod following Fred into the Griffindor common room, luckily no one is there so we could go to my room without being questioned "Ok, Liv I think you should go tonight" I look up at him surprised "What? Why?" he smiles sitting down on the bed next to me "Because you'll regret it if you don't" I nod agreeing "I still don't have a date or a dress" he grins leaving the room for a few minutes before returning with Hermione and Skylar. "Hey baby girl, this is the plan" I nod at Skylar waiting to hear what the plan she had cooked up in her head is "Lucky for you, my mum bought you a dress, said it's your colour" my jaw drops as tears began to stream down my face "She bought me a dress?" I stutter stopping myself from sobbing once again "Of course, your my sister and she's always seen you as her daughter. Even hopes that you and Draco will get married so you will be part of the family legally which is ridiculous" I awkwardly chuckle "Now as for a date.." she sits and thinks for a moment "Actually I think I might know of someone" Fred smiles walking out of the room, we sat in silence until he returned with George. "I hear you need a date" I smile up at George "Yes I do" he takes a step closer then stops "Wait.. Hold on a minute" we all watch as he darts out of the room with Fred following behind him. After 10 minutes Fred calls me to come into the Common room, as I walk out George is holding a little flower down on his knee "Miss Thomas would you do the honour of accompany me to the ball?" I nod "Of course Mister Weasley" he picks me up into a hug before placing me back down to the ground. "Ok Liv, you got your date and your dress. Now let's get ready" I walk over to Fred pecking his cheek softly "Thank you" I whisper before following the girls to my room.

  We all decided to take it in turns to show off our dresses, Hermione is the first to get ready she walks our of the bathroom in a long periwinkle pink frilly dress and silver sparkly heels with her hair twisted up into an elegant knot at the back of her head. "Wow, you look beautiful" I smile "Thanks babe, your turn Sky" Skylar jumps off the bed heading into the bathroom, Hermione sat on the bed next to me "How are you feeling?" she smiles "I'm fine, spoke to Fred he knows everything and he's being so supportive. I am so thankful for you and Fred, I know I shouldn't have brought you guys into it but I am grateful for the help. I've decided to tell everyone next week." I look down at the floor "Think we all deserve a good weekend before the drama starts" there's a moment of silence "Ron is a very lucky guy" I smile reaching for her hand. A few moments later Sky came out of the bathroom, she looks beautiful in a red long silk strappy dress that clings to the body then flowing at the bottom with red sparkly heels, red lipstick and her hair is pulled back into a twisted knot bun. "Damn Sky" "Yeah Sky, you look beautiful" Skylar smiles at us both "Thanks girls, okay Liv your go. I can't wait to see the dress" I smile climbing off the bed as the boys come through the door, they all look handsome. Harry's wearing a black suit with a white bow tie, Ron looks like he dresses as a scarecrow, it's old fashioned and kind of frilly, George is wearing a black suit with a red tie "Wow boys, you all scrub up nicely" Hermione smiles kissing Ron's cheek "you ladies ready?" Harry looks Skylar up and down "Wow... I mean... Wow.. Just wow babe" Skylar giggles kissing his cheek "we're just waiting for Liv" I shake my head "The ball has already started, I'll be down in a minute" Sky looks at me confused "you sure?" I nod watching them leave, George stood at the door "Want me to wait?" I shake my head "I'll be fine, I'll meet you outside the hall" he nods leaving. I grab the dress placing it on, putting my hair into curls plaiting half of it back off my face, I put a little bit of mascara and a nude lipstick on, I walked over to the mirror looking down at the emerald green lace dress that flows at the bottom, the top half has a sweetheart neck line with sparkles and to finish the look off I slipped into emerald green sparkly strappy heels. I haven't worn green since my mother's death, she always called me her 'emerald gem' I miss her everyday, she'd know what to do right now, I don't know how Mrs Malfoy that green is my colour, I only told one person. 

I shake the thoughts away heading out the door, I get to to the top of the stairs that led down to the hall, my heart is beating out of my chest as everyone stared at me. Don't trip, just walk with your head held high, enjoy your night. George smiles reaching his hand out at the bottom of the stairs, I sigh in relief grabbing his hand "you look amazing kid, green really is your colour" I blush smiling "Thanks, you look good too" we head over to the rest of the group staring at me wide-eyed "Liv, you look like a goddess" everyone agrees "your mum has good taste, how did she know?" Sky thinks for a moment "Think Draco mentioned it a while ago" I bite my lip glancing around for him but no such luck, I am curious on who he brought tonight if he's even here tonight, I need to forget about him really and enjoy my night with my best friends.

Last chapter next. So get ready and please enjoy and check out my other stories. Thank you for reading this far, I am so grateful.

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