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Harry sat reading the Daily Prophet in a small
café in the train station, sipping on a warm coffee. He read over the title, the return of Voldemort splashed across the front page, Draco and his mother on another page about the arrest of Lucius Malfoy. The Ministry was finally recognizing the fact Voldemort was back, but he was surprised they didn't seem to know about the time travelling girl, Dumbledore must have kept this news silent. Harry was becoming more and more familiar of the fact that Dumbledore kept lots of things to himself and he internally hated how he begun to question the Great Wizard.

"I could've sworn I saw that photo move." A girl spoke behind him, he looked at her folding away the paper. "Perhaps just to much of a long shift."

Harry smiled. "Long night?"

The girl nodded. "More coffee?"

"I'm alright."

The girl nodded again, turning around before Harry sudden turned to face her. "Hey, perhaps after a long night you would like to go for a night walk?"

"I get off at eleven, and you can tell me all about those moving pictures." She laughed before returning to work.

Harry blushed slightly before popping a mint in his mouth, looking at the passing training, though something was different. Once the train left the station he saw two people standing, one of them giving Harry a friendly wave. Conscious and Dumbledore stood across from him.

He frowned before standing to leave to meet them on the platform.

"You've been reckless Harry." Dumbledore commented as he stared at the poster.

"I like watching trains." Harry shrugged.

"He's still a boy old man." Conscious retorted with a sigh before looking at Harry.  "Pretty girl."

His cheeks grew hot as he glanced at the waitress again before looking at the pair. "Why are you here, not to sound rude."

"Take my arm Harry." Dumbledore instructed as he extended his arm. Harry frowned again, looking between his arm and the waitress who now stood looking for Harry. "Take it Harry."

With a sigh he held onto the elders arm before they disappeared with a snap, everything twisting before he landed with a thud, stumbling to catch his balance, bile rushing to his throat.

"We just apparated didn't we?" Harry questioned.

"Most people vomit the first time." Conscious mumbled as she crossed her arms.

"I couldn't imagine why."

Dumbledore began to walk towards a gated home, Harry and Conscious trailed behind.

"You're probably wondering why I've brought you two here tonight."

"To be frank sir, I've grown use to whatever you have planned and just go with it." Harry said. Conscious ignored him, already having a feeling of who he was tracking down.

"We're visiting an old friend of mine." Dumbledore explained but stopped when he noticed the door was broken down. "Wands out."

All three pulled out their wands as the walked towards the damaged door, lighting up the place with the tip of their wands. It was completely trashed, glass everywhere, the furniture completely in pieces, it was a mess.

"Horace!" Dumbledore whispered loudly, confirming Conscious's thoughts. He was tracking down the old potion teacher, once Dumbledore had informed her of being an assistant for the new potion teacher she figured it must be the old jolly man.

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