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The heels on Toms dress shoes clipped against the grey stone tiles, his hands fisted into his black long coat. His right hand coiled around his wand as he glanced up to see a manor, his manor, the Riddle Manor. His strides were slower than usual as he took in the appearance of the manor, it stood on the top of the hill in Little Hangleton. It stood alone, and overlooked the village, the sun breaking dawn left a beautiful scenery. The old brittle bricks and stones have been replaced with fresh coal colour bricks, the vines and bushes trimmed and clear of weeds and shrubs. He was quite pleased with how the renovations had turned out.

Conscious would like this.

His mind wandered to her momentary, it had been over three weeks since he had seen her and the attack he had ordered. It had gone as planned, but he wasn't satisfied with the outcome still, it's clear what side Conscious is on and it isn't in his favour.

He signed as he noticed the steps to the manor appearing, he hadn't been here since he killed his father decades ago. Tom didn't feel sad or a lost, but he felt strange, the place where his muggle father and generations of muggles resided were now all dead and gone, this was his now. His own home.

He stood at the bottom of the steps, pausing to allow himself a moment of silence. He was an extraordinary wizard, he was beyond confident in his skills and intelligence, he is -

"Tom, you are a marvellous monster."

His eyes snapped opened hearing her voice echo through the wind. He frowned before shaking off whatever these feelings were and proceeded up the grand stairs to the front door. He had designed the exterior and interior so Tom knew what we would be walking into, but it was still a shock to see the difference from his last encounter with this home to now making it his home.

The interior was dark green mixed with black or white undertones, the home had four levels total- the main floor, the second floor which the sleeping areas, an attic which was converted into his main sleeping and work quarters and the basement. It was furnished with dark furniture but nothing extravagant as he didn't see the need to fill the homes every corner.

He breathed in the clean air, it was nice.

He turned left into the first sitting room that flowed into the main dining room which even further lead down to the kitchen and elf's quarters. He had yet to bring any from the Malofy's manor so he'd have to fix himself a meal for today as he entered the kitchen. He took in the fully stocked fridge, a small part of him in awe at finally having a small part of hus childhood dreams fulfilled.

But it was so much, and he had cone to realize that he was still alone. He closed the door and glanced at the counters behind him, he could picture her sitting there taking in the beauty of what should've been their home so so long ago...
they should've had this decades ago.. he should've been better, strong back then.

Tom's fist clenched at his side, the moment that was once one of gratitude had turned into pure hatred. He hated feeling as if he was robbed from a better life, despite reaching all his plans he never fulfilled it with her. Conscious was meant to be the first and last by his side, they were to live eternally in his new found kingdom. Yet.. he was alone, and he couldn't find anyone but himself to blame. His need for immortality cost her the first time, and it was going to cost him again. Tom could now physically feel the weight of this, and it wasn't something he believed he could feel again. His heart ached. He needed her, he wanted her.

And there wasn't anything in this world that Tom couldn't have.


Conscious sat far away from the rest of the facility members on the quidditch stand observing the first game since the winter holidays. She sat bundled up in a long black coat with a Slytherin hat paired with a Gryffindor scarf and glove set- which were the current teams playing. A light snow faller passed the previous night so everything was covered in a thin layer of snow, with the wind causing the snow to fly around. Her main focus was on Harry, it was the first time she had seen the boy play and she had to admit he wasn't half bad. On occasion she'd glance over at Draco who played the same position as Harry but for the Slytherin's, if she heard correct they were both seekers. Harry was stalling on his broom near the centre seemingly looking for the golden snitch as Draco stalled on his broom near his team's side while the rest of the teams zoomed back and forth trying to score.

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