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The warm air of September begun to shift to the bitter cool air of October. Some of the trees begun to turn red and yellow, leaving behind the summer green. A few first year students could be seen throwing leaves at one another. A few older years sat studying, enjoying the last sunny days before fall came. Conscious sat at her window that overlooked the courtyard. She was perched up on the ledge with the window open letting out smoke from her mouth.

Raising the white stick to her mouth again, this generation of cigarettes almost seemed stronger than the ones Tom use to smoke. She wondered if he quit that stupid habit. Probably, it was a muggle habit to pass time, she couldn't imagine he'd still indulge in it, but she hoped maybe he was smoking the same stick she was currently finishing. Her imagination made her feel warm, thinking of the times they shared cigarette back then.

A knock dragged her thoughts away, she glanced at the clock. He was one time, good.

"Come in." Conscious instructed, allowing the person to enter. "Mr. Malfoy, please take a seat. Can I offer you anything?"

Draco shut the door behind him, taking in her space. It was a simple office and living quarters, to the left was a fireplace with shelving on either side and two chairs in front, in the middle was a desk with a single chair in-front, it was also placed in front of the window she currently state in finishing her cigarette and to the right was a small kitchen and a small dinner area, a door could also be seen which he assumed was the bedroom.

"I'm fine Ms. Jones." Draco replied, still standing at the door. He honestly had no idea why he was here, he had guessed it was his insults to Harry and the other Gryffindors, perhaps it was a meeting about his grades he knew he was exceptional and wasn't shocked at any praises teachers often gave him. He was hoping it was nothing to do with the Dark Lord, he was already paranoid enough and he didn't need her getting the hang on his snooping.

"Please, Conscious is fine. We aren't in a classroom." She dismissed him, throwing the bud out the window before taking a seat at the head of her desk. "Again, take a seat."

He paused before taking slow steps sitting down across from her, he was definitely nervous of being caught now. This didn't feel like a student teacher meeting.

"Any ideas as to why you are here Draco? May I call you that?" She asked tapping her fingers on the desk.

"No, I do not." He replied, keeping his gaze on his rings at sat on his hands on his lap.

"Has You-Know-Who told you anything about me?" She asked bluntly.

If it were possible, Draco paled. "W-what?"

"The Dark Lord, you are a Malfoy. A very loyal family you are, so I must ask, has he spoken about who I am?" She repeated.

He knew people suspected of his alliance with the darker wizards, he knew people were scared they were true. But, he'd never have someone openly accuse him, I mean people were smarter than that. But his silence was enough for her, even if it was out of pure shock.

"Come on now Draco, don't be afraid of who you are." She cooed, before rolling up her white blouse to reveal the same mark Draco now had the burden of wearing. His eyes snapped up, widening at the sight.

"Based off your expression I take it he hasn't. He is a man with many secrets." Conscious continued to talk.

Draco remand stunned.

"Have you lost your voice Draco?"

"What is it you want from me?" He finally spoke.

"You know, I attended the same year as your grandfather, perhaps that will intrigue you." Completely disregarding his question. "Abraxas and yourself are rather the same, both of you are extremely skilled at potions."

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