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"The memories explained it all, did he really spilt his soul that many times?" Harry asked.

"I believe so."

"I want to know everything about him, he killed my parents after all and Dumbledore refused to tell me." Harry scolded.

"You and Tom are alike in many ways Harry, I fear Dumbledore doesn't want you to know his past because you may take pity on him." Conscious sighed.

"I don't feel pity for him, we may have a similar past but I don't go around murdering people." Harry scoffed.

"Im not sure how he creates his other ones, but I know how the first three were made." She explained, ignoring him.

"What were they?" Harry asked.

"The first was the diary you destroyed, next was Slytherin's locket, then lastly the Gaunt ring. The others I'm not sure but he was obsessed with collecting items- treasures. I believe he must've found them and created Horcruxes out of it." She continued to explain.

Harry nodded, "so Ive already found one. I believe Dumbledore has the gaunt ring, I.. I touched a ring in his office and I felt a rush of magic."

She glanced at him. "Really."

He pursed his lips nodding again.

She smiled, a smile that sent a chill down his spine for a moment. "Harry darling."

He reddened quickly. "Yes?"

"You know that you can always trust me.. but I want to know that I can trust you." Conscious started. "Get me that ring."

Harry swallowed. "As in stealing it?"

"Right from that old man's croaked nose."

Harry looked at her, watching her from
where she sat at her desk. He had to prove himself he thought, if he really was going to turn his back on the light, he should've realized there may be some doubt.

"Do you doubt me?" He asked.

"No." She answered without missing a beat. "But this will help show our bond is mutually, I will give you everything, but of course I do require some help from you to Harry. Tom had to many doubt him, but he made sure to prove he was worthy."

"People doubted him?" Harry asked.

"Of course." She hummed. "He is a Half-Blood, in that time purity was at its peek. His ideals as well, it took time for those to recognize that his ideas were something great."

"Do you see us as the same?" Harry asked.

She paused for a moment. "You two are similar but you both are so different in many ways."

"Do you think.. he would meet with us- me?"

Her brows shot up in surprise. "You wish to meet with the Dark Lord?"

His face firm as her met her gaze. "I want to put an end to this."

"Get me that ring and I think I may be able to work something out."

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