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At the end of our first week together, Tom calls us for an informal session in front of the whiteboard in the garage. The sun has long since set and the building is cold and noisy from the quick winds we have tonight.

"Thanks for coming everyone, this should be quite a fun meeting I hope." Tom flips the whiteboard over to reveal the agenda. Dress code, travelling rules, schedule for the next week. It doesn't sound fun.

"Under each of your chairs you'll find a bag containing your new Fortress World Karting clothing. You should find two shirts complete with your chosen number on the back, a pair of shorts for training and a cap."

It only takes a few seconds for everyone to already be wearing the cap, and Daniel even strips off to put on the shirt despite the cold. Tom goes on about dress code for the weekends and how hoodies and matching race suits will be on the way if we can secure sponsorship. It's all obvious stuff designed to make us look more like a team. Then talk turns to travel.

"As you know, we'll be spending a week in each city and racing on Saturdays and Sundays. Practice and qualifying will both be on Fridays and any press and media duties will take place throughout the week. We'll be continuing our physical and mental training and other than that we'll have a few planned visits but your time will mostly be your own in the evenings."

Tom begins explaining the code of conduct but my mind begins to wander, dreaming about all the new places I'll see. I'm going to learn so much, and there'll be so much to take photos of! I'm sure there'll be some really crazy stories if we can do whatever we like in the evenings. I glance over at Checo and Nico to see they're not concentrating either. We're all too excited to listen to the rules.

"Ultimately, the main thing you need to remember is that we're all on the same team. This won't work if you bring your battles off the track and start creating problems for me and each other. You need to learn that there's a time and a place for everything. When we're training, you should help each other out to become the best you can be, but you're racing you should give it everything and not let friendships come between you and a podium. Remember, the we can only perform at our best when we come up against the best opposition. It's in your best interests to help each other improve."

I yawn, but Max's eyes are as wide as plates. I know he holds Tom in very high esteem, taking everything he says close to heart. He's the fastest person here and already one of my most popular. If there's anyone who will make sure this team is a success, it's Max.

Tom lets us go shortly after that and I trail at the back of the group, following the bright white caps bobbing in the darkness. Erik and Peter have decided to test us on the parts of an engine tomorrow, so a few of us have planned to revise together in the lounge. Just one week ago I was packing my bag at home in Spain, listening to my mother's cooking advice and my father's worries about crime. I was so scared then. And now look at where I am.

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