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Running over to the red cone, running over to the yellow cone, running over to the blue cone. I need to jump the hurdle thing, then sprint towards Tom.

"23 seconds, you're still  in the lead," he tells me and I skip back to the start line. I've improved a whole second on my best time.

"How do you do it so fast?" George asks me, still panting from his try about half an hour ago.

"I think he's powered by a nuclear fission reactor," Alex explains. I'm not sure what that means so I just go to get a drink of water. It's so cold I can barely move my legs but I'm still hot on the inside.

"C'mon lad, it's barely twelve o'clock." Weird Old Phil hits my shoulder and drags me to my feet. "Don't waste all your water before we've even done anything."

"I was thirsty though..." I say. He grabs the bottle from my hand and throws it onto the ground. I frown. Now it's all muddy.

"Don't use that attitude with me young man. You need to learn some respect then maybe you'd be able to take what I say into account."

"Phil! Let him have a drink will you? Then over here as quick as possible, okay Lando?" I hear Tom shout from the obstacle course. Weird Old Phil looks angry and I back away then hurry round him to stand with the others. He's scary.

"He doesn't like it when you disobey him," George tells me when I get back.

"I can't even understand his accent," I say.

"How do you think I feel, at least you're native English," Carlos replies and I giggle.

"Okay guys, time for some more fitness work. Jog over to the orange flag and back."

I set off as fast as possible in case he's timing us again but then I hear Weird Old Phil's voice a second later. "He said jog, Lando!" I slow down until the others catch up but they're barely walking. As we crawl around the field I try to speak with some of the others but they're all breathing too hard to reply.

Finally we make it back to the cones and I go to take another drink of water. I like drinking water. I fall onto the grass and hope Mr Angry doesn't come back.

"Will you stop suckling on that bottle? It's not your mother." I jump as he slaps it out of my hand and back into the mud. He walks away and I look at the ground and pull at the grass. I'm thirsty. The others set off on another jog but I don't want to join them. I sigh. I'm thirsty.

"What's wrong Lando?" Tom calls over and I look around before I answer.

"Weird Old Phil was shouting at me," I say,  but then think I shouldn't make trouble. I need to toughen up.

"Weird Old Phil?" Tom smiles a little and I breathe out. "I'll tell him not to be so strict, okay? Just don't call him Weird Old Phil to his face and he shouldn't bother you."

"Okay," I say and stand up slowly.

"Hey, don't look so sad. Why don't you walk back to get changed for lunch. You'll be the first one there, and I don't think you need fitness training as much as the others anyway."

I nod and start walking, thinking about what he said. I know being fit is a good thing, but I also want to fit in with the group. I hope this doesn't turn out like my old school did. I hope everyone doesn't start hating me.

The others show up in the changing room before too long, laughing about how Nico slipped in the mud on his way back. The German complains as he goes into the showers, knowing the lunch ladies won't let him into the canteen until he does. I smile, but missing the joke makes me feel even more isolated. I stand up to get to the canteen before anyone else.

"Lando, wait," Max says suddenly from behind me. I turn around. "Did you call him Weird Old Phil out there?"

"That's what I... Used to call him," I reply quietly. 

"Used to? No, keep doing it. I think it's perfect. He's weird, he's old: Weird Old Phil. Good work Lando." He pats me on the back and my heart lifts.


"Yeah, of course. Don't let him get you down, he's just jealous. I'll watch your back for you." 

I smile and bounce as I follow him and Carlos down the coridoor to our usual table. George pats my back and congratulates me on winning the obstacle course and I see Tom pointing at me as he speaks with Erik, grinning. I relax a little. As long as Tom and my friends like me, it doesn't matter what Weird Old Phil thinks.

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